Chapter 13: You Will Bow To Your Queen𖤛-𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚝-𖤛

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Cruel is an understatement. Barbarous, sure. Merciless, heard it before.
The taste of the word on my tongue. It's pure toxic, sure to strike fear into anyone who hears the word. It could only describe one who is truly horrid. One who finds the sweetest pleasure of those who suffer.
I love it.

"Are you even listening to me!"
I snap back to reality.
Oh right, the peasant. I honestly hate dealing with these fools. However, they truly have the best remarks.
"Please. I would absolutely love for you to repeat yourself."
I soak into the word. It spreads a large unholy smile across my face.
"Oh? Please, do tell me why."
"My children are starving! As you sit here and eat only the finest lamb in the kingdom! I ask for only bread and you continue to laugh! Who could possibly find pleasure in such a tragedy!"
I try to hold in my snicker, examining the peasant's clothing and figure.
He bears a dirt- stained flannel shirt with dirty ripped jeans.
I scoff.
His black hair is receding and has white streaks decorating it like tinsel on a christmas tree.
The man yet again, snaps me out of my thoughts.
"I guarantee you, I currently do not find pleasure in your so-called... suffering."
I try to hide my satisfaction. 
" I'm afraid I could not just give bread to my people. You see, if I give bread to one peasant, others would get greedy. Soon more and more will be asking until I have no more bread to give. Now, you don't want your Queen to be taken advantage of, do you?"
"You are not my queen!"
He has quite the nerve! How dare this peasant undermine me! We'll see how his family likes him when I'm through with him. However, I won't let him go down without some amusement. I give him one of my best smiles.
"Is that so?"
He's taken aback by my reaction. I scared him. Perfect. I can't help but cackle.
"I am kind, so I will let you go on one condition. Bow down to your queen."
He pauses for a moment.
I laugh. It's horrific and should taste bitter to those who hear it.
"That's too bad."
Still smiling I call out.
"Knights, would you be so kind as to escort him to the dungeons? Tomorrow we will give him a proper goodbye, make sure the whole kingdom will be sure to view it. We wouldn't want his family to not wish him their farewells."
His eyes swim with horror.
"You wouldn't."
"Oh, but I would. Don't worry, I'll make sure to give them a front row seat to your beheading."
The guards snatch him up. He screams at me as they drag him to the dungeon.
"MONSTER! No one will ever call your name with pride! Only fear!
My smile fades.
"Guards! Stop!"
I stand up from my throne. My footsteps echoing in the vast hall. I face the man, putting a finger under his chin. I pull my dagger from my satchel and watch his terrified face as he sucks in a breath.
"Fear you say?"
I grab his face. Playing at the edges of his jaw with my dagger. Pessing not too hard, but just enough to draw blood.
My smile comes back when I see his fear.
"Well, if you truly believe that then I have other plans for you."
"What are you going to do to me?"
I won't harm you or your family. So as long as you do two things for me."
He doesn't speak and I grin.
" First, you will tell all that you meet how truly evil your queen is."
"And the second?"
He spits out the words.
I easily carve the tiniest cut into his skin, reminding him to not speak.
"You will find my sister and you will bring her to me alive. Speak to no one of this. Understand?"
He lets out a jagged breath.
"Yes, who?"
I hiss.
"Yes." He pauses, "your majesty"
"Exactly, now go. If you manage to come back without the girl in a week I will see to it that you come home to find your family dead. And the little starving rats you call children will go first. Now kneel before your Queen." I sneer.
The guards that had been holding him in place let him go.
The man kneels before me, still as stone, and grumbles,
"Yes my Queen."
Unimpressed, I order him to stand.
"Now go find her."
Without hesitation the man runs out the castle doors and I hand a guard to my right the dagger I've been holding.
"Have it cleaned. I want to have it ready for my sister." I order him.
My sister can't be far and I will see to it that she will never run away again. I pity my sister and her cursed ugly nature. However, people always talk of how beautiful she is on the inside. I still remember my mother talking about how horrible I am.
I am waiting for you Viola.
You Cannot escape me, for I have power and the ability to control death itself.

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