Chapter 8: Aldietha𖤛-𝚅𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚊/𝙰𝚕𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚊-𖤛

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"Aldietha." I told him.
The name stings my heart, though I don't know why.
"Hmm," He seems puzzled at the name I told him
"Aldietha is a word in Saxon used to describe a winner of wars."
"You speak Saxon?"
"I speak many languages. But I want to know why you decided to choose a name of war?"
Wow. He's smart. I need to keep my guard up, it's not like I'm already doing that.
"I didn't choose it, my parents did. Didn't yours?"
He chuckles. How could he possibly know I'm lying? Or is it my question that humers him?
I scan the room once more and repeat his name in my head. Silas.
I feel weird.
"Well, Aldietha, I brought some supplies for your..."
He goes silent. What's wrong?
Is it me? Of course it's me how can it not be-
"Your leg."
Did I break him?
"It's healed."
I look down and pull at the blood stained cotton wrapped around my thigh. He's right. The blood is gone, and only a scar remains where the ugly wound was. I look up at him.
"How could you tell?"
He coughs and turns away.
"You put all of your weight on it without realizing. Are you okay?."
He's joking. How is this real?
It can't be.
"Am I dreaming? I can't be dreaming."
I cover my face and speak again.
"Did I say that out loud?"
I don't wait for an answer. I run. I skip out of the front door and jump back at the sun's light.
"I'm crazy. I'm crazy."
People look up to
Me and scream. I cover my face and navigate my way through the market space. They just stop and stare. I don't say a word.
Let them stare. I pull my arms down and listen to the screams around me.
A man yells behind me and people shriek, pulling their children away.
Other voices join in too.
"Look at that!"
"She's a disputable cause to human kind!"
"Put her in a zoo!"
"What the f-."
I trip on Something and stumble into the dirt. People laugh and point. I cry. They kick at my body on the floor. The scene is rather depressing really, no one stops to offer a hand to me. What do I expect?
I smile. A boot hits my back and I cry out. They laugh and continue to kick at me as if I'm a rock on the ground.
Get up. Get up.
I blink and I'm running again. The people still scream at the sight of my face, but I'm unharmed.
What's happening to me?
A man's voice rings in my ears and I wake in a cot on the floor. Silas is in front of me and has a wet cloth in his hand.
I must have fallen. I have to be hallucinating-.
"You need to change your bandages."
He tosses me the cloth and I throw my head back onto a small pillow and exhale.
"When did I fall asleep?"
I ask and he turns to the window. "You fell asleep while we were talking. Are you okay?"
I scoff and think about how people never ask if I'm okay. They don't care about me. Why should he?
My heart aches.
"I need to get home."
I whisper, even though I have no idea where home is, and he nods his head.
"I have a thing I have to do before midnight. Stay here."
I roll my eyes.
He flashes me a smile and reaches for the wooden door.
The door squeaks and closes with Silas walking out.

Broken Queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें