The warehouse

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Yami POV :
I finish dinner and run back to my room . I wait for hours in there until my mom goes to sleep and I put on my black hoodie and black jeans creep down my stairs and slipped through the front door . I ran to the abandoned warehouse on the Eastern outskirts of Domino , the place where I put Ushio and sato . I tourtured them for almost a week now it was a very effective way to relax. " Good evening boys ," I said. Ushio said muffled words through his gag and sato began to cry and shake his head no .

I walked over to Ushio, " Hey Ushio , tell me would you like to go free ? Will you do anything ?" I asked. He shook his head yes and I walked over to the door and unlocked it. Then I rolled up Ushio pants and slit his Achilles tendon, then took my knife and cut his ropes . He stood up to walk only to fall , and begin crawling to the door . " Aw , geez Ushio your taking so long and it's getting so cold , here let me shut the door , " I teased. Then I shut and looked the door. I picked up Ushio and slammed him down on the chair and retied the ropes.

" Oh Ushio , since you can't walk no point in having working bones , now is there ?" I said breaking his femurs then working my way down. Until his legs were twisted and bruised . I was laughing a little , he looked sooo tough bulling other kids , kids like my Yugi making them feel helpless . Now he's bawling like a baby because the roles are reversed .

Sato was crying and screaming through his gag . I became annoyed and out of rage a grabbed a knife and pliers and gouged out one of  his eyes then removed the gag grabbed his tongue with the pliers and used the knife to cut it off. " Now shut up and stop crying , sato , " I said angrily. Then I started to put all the tools and weapons back in the box . " Hope you boys had fun , because I know I did . Night night ! " I said before slamming the door shut happy and calm . 

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