⚡️ Chapter 42 ⚡️

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Divination class that afternoon was quite an interesting affair – they were still doing star charts and predications. But now that Vega, Harry and Ron were friends once more, it had turned even better.

Professor Trelawney, who had been so pleased with Vega, Harry and Ron – the latter more obviously – when they had been predicting their own horrific deaths, quickly became irritated as they sniggered through her explanation of the various ways in which Pluto could disrupt everyday life.

"I would think," Professor Trelawney said, in a mystical whisper that did not conceal her obvious annoyance. "That some of us –" She stared very meaningfully at Vega and Harry. "– might be a little less frivolous had they seen what I have seen, during my crystal-gazing last night. As I sat here, absorbed in my needlework, the urge to consult the orb overpowered me. I arose, I settled myself before it, and I gazed into its crystalline depths ... and what do you think I saw gazing back at me?"

"An ugly old bat in outsize specs?" Ron muttered under his breath, causing Vega to elbow him min his side while Harry fought hard to keep his face straight next to them.

"Death, my dears," Professor Trelawney continued in a whisper, causing Parvati and Lavender to put their hands over their mouths, looking horrified. "Yes," She nodded impressively. "It comes, ever closer, it circles overhead like a vulture, ever lower ... ever lower over the castle ..."

Following this, Professor Trelawney stared pointedly at Vega, who knew she was relating it to what had happened with the Horntail earlier, and Harry, who yawned very widely and obviously.

After the first Divination class was over, Vega headed out of the room on her own to the Arithmancy class – window had been mended – and sat down next to Hermione, missing Divination for once.

Following their afternoon classes, it was finally time for dinner. Hermione told Vega that she was heading to the library and they parted ways from each other. Vega met up with Harry and Ron, and they had dinner together before the three of them headed to the library to look for Hermione.

But Hermione wasn't there.

The only person in there was Viktor Krum. Ron hovered behind the bookshelves for a while, watching Krum, debating in whispers with Harry whether he should ask for an autograph –

However, when Vega pointed out six or seven girls lurking in the next row of books, debating exactly the same thing to Ron, he lost his enthusiasm for the idea. Vega pulled them out of the library.

"Wonder where she's got to?" Ron said, as he, Vega and Harry went back to Gryffindor Tower.

"I have no idea," Vega replied, frowning in wonder over where Hermione could've gone off to. "She said that she was going to the library – Agapornis,"

But the Fat Lady had barely begun to swing forward to allow the three of them inside the common room when the sound of racing feet behind them announced Hermione's arrival. They turned.

"Vega! Harry!" Hermione panted, skidding to a halt beside them.

The Fat Lady stared down at her; eyebrows raised.

"You two, you've got to come – you've got to come," Hermione said. "The most amazing thing's happened – please –" She seized their arms and started to try to drag them back along the corridor.

"What's the matter?" asked Vega and Harry in unison.

"I'll show you when we get there –" Hermione told them. "Oh, come on, quick –"

Vega, Harry and Ron shared a look.

"Let's go!" Vega said as she, Harry and Ron hurried down the corridor with the strange brunette to wherever she wanted to take them all so suddenly.

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