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with the wrong one, loving can hurt and render you breathless for days or weeks or months or even years if you're unlucky. walking around with a heavy heart and a distinguishable frown is often times tough and unbearable. most of the time people would refer to love as a blade that cuts deep; it would make you bleed, and you would forever tend to a wound without a cure. some would say that love makes them feel butterflies in their stomach, a crazy little thing that makes them productive, something that makes them bloom.

but to me, love is a double-edged sword; it takes a right person to wield its delicate handle with utmost care and patience. love would harm a fool, but would uplift the wise.

i've found the bearer of my love, and i'm left in awe by the way she swings its deadly, whetted edge. even in the toughest of times, the hardest of battles, she's not one to be fazed. and i know deep in my heart that even in defeat, she would go down swinging.

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