10 (postcards4jackie)

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//postcards4jackie (2)

hey jackie

i got a new job. i told you about this already, right? catering the needs of kids in this daycare-like establishment. children, they come and go. sometimes they don't ask for much, though often times they ask for too much (more than i can handle alone) -- but you know what? that's fine. loving you and waiting for you taught me so much patience that none of these things seem to tick me off. i love you so, you know day after day i keep missing you; wanting you, wishing that you would come walking in those doors and watch the kids with me. some dream, isn't it? one day i'll be home and we won't dream of all this anymore, though i wish i could just summon a genie to grant me three wishes and tell it to bring me close to you as my first wish. second is warm cups of coffee so we can share it while exchanging stories of the road. third is, of course, i'd ask for three more wishes so we could keep on doing that for the rest of our lives.

but you know, sometimes it gets tiring. most days i would wish for the drive home to go on forever, i hate the sight of city lights because pretty things remind me of you, and then i'm gonna long for you harder than i usually would. work was never tiring, same goes for missing you -- but the way home, baby it's so damn miserable. if i were driving with you i'd be singing.

with all those talks of a magical genie, coffee, exhausting drives and missing you - it goes to show that even after all these years, i never stopped falling for you. you hate thunderstorms, love? you told me they scare you. tell the rain and its puny little thunderstorms to wait a little more, i'll teach them how to roar.

i love you, jackie. in our little life we've been through the saddest and most tragic of storms yet our love remained. you're under the impression that you're frail, weak and lacking of voice—but believe me baby, you're strong and so am i. we're strong, right?

love, nikolai

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