Chapter 4

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People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing everyday :)

(also have a random picrew) 

(Name) Pov.

I hate school! I always get the worst classes in the morning. My first class was with Mr. Tanash. He was the math teacher. For all we knew, he was going bald, hated all his kids, had like 4 divorces and everyone hated him. People say that if you make him mad, he'll snap you in half and feed you to his dogs. Not the most creative rumor, but it scares the freshmen.

As I sat down, Mr. Tanash started talking.

"Now, students, I have recently learned that the school board is making me a man of god, asking people for their pronouns. Everyone uses this paper to put down your name and "pronouns" as I will start to teach my class. No one put down those silly ones, like "ThEy/ThEm" and "It/iT's"." He said. This guy was harsh. He yelled at students for small things. I know some people who don't cry easily, but this man made them all BALL THEIR EYES OUT. Faith was one of those people. Faith will cry about some things, but the first time Mr. Tanash yelled at them, she started to cry. It wasn't a very pretty sight and she even said that if he did that again to any student, they would tell the principal.

After his class, we have a whole bunch of unimportant classes. None of the teachers are worth mentioning. Then there was English and art class. For those 2 classes, we had Mr. Fisher. He was teaching 2 classes because we were short on staff and needed more teachers. Mr. Fisher loved all his students, he never yelled nor got angry.

" OK students! Please get your computers. Today we will be making short stories. Each story needs to be 500 words long or more. You can make it about any topic. You can also insert yourself into your story if you want to help the main protagonist or antagonist. Please not swear, and use proper grammar." He explained

All the girls were swooning over him.

" He is so handsome." One girl wispered.

Faith nodded "Agreed."

Jessie looked at Faith, "Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"I can still find him attractive!" Faith wisper yelled.

Mr. Fisher looked at all of them, "You know I can hear you, right?" 

All the girls gasped and went back to work. Faith was already done and turned in the work on "Google Classroom". She then took out their phone and opened Discord. She went into a random server. It was called "PARACHUTE TENT". Everyone was screaming and one person was just "SQUISH ME". OH WAIT FAITH IS SAYING THAT.

Then Mr. Fisher looked up from his computer, then looked at Faith. "Miss. Faith. Can I see you after class?"

"Yes sir. May I ask why?" Faith asked.

"Your stories are great. I want to talk to you about more ideas. I would love to see more of your work," he answered.

This was going to be a long day. Faith was his favourite student in English. I was his favourite in art class. I was good at (what art your good at) and Mr. Fisher loved me for it. He said it looked amazing and had some stuff hung up on the wall. At the end of the year we are going to be doing painting on the wall. My class has been brainstorming ideas. Art was the one class all me and my friends had. Ollie says to do a big cat, Elijah says he wants to paint Ollie, Tyler wants to paint some flowers or a cool field, Faith wants to paint 20 cats and pride flags, Jessie wants to paint the AO3 and Wattpad logo, Rosie wanted to paint some music notes, and Chad wants to draw baseball stuff for his brother. Mr Fisher said we could do a mural with all the stuff we want, along with the rest of the class. favourite

When we did get to art class at the end of the day, we saw huge papers in all of our spots. Then Mr.Fisher spoke up.

"Today I want you guys to draw something you love. It can be anything as long as it is school appropriate. Please don't try and draw anything... inappropriate." He explained.

I sat down next to Faith and Ollie. Ollie was drawing a show called Mao Mao: Heros of Pure Hearts, animes, Elijah, Discord logo, and some funny art of Faith.

Faith was drawing some logos for apps, frogs, Tyler, Ollie and Elijah, some video games and food.

They were both interesting...


WOOOO! This is all done. This chapter took foreverrr. Anyways, Thank you to all my friends fore being in this story!


Words: 787

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