Part 5

33 2 5

(Name) POV

I called Faith in the morning for homework notes. When she answered, I heard them sip some coffee.

"It is seven in the morning. New York city itself had better be on fire! What do you want?" They said, sounding tired.

"Homework" I said calmly.

Faith hung up.

I then called Ollie. I know he might not have the notes for this class but he might. After 2 rings, Ollie picked up.

"Goodmorning (Name)." He said with a yawn.

"Hey! Do you have notes for (your worst class)?" I asked.

"Ummm... I have stuff for (anything your not learning).. do you need those?" He asked.

"Nooooo!" I said with a pout. He couldn't see it but that's OK.

After I called everyone, they said they hadn't taken notes or didn't have that part of class yet. I turned to Google to help me. I found everything that I needed and closed the tab. Then I logged into discord and joined Faith and Ollie. I heard Ollie yelling at Faith and Faith was eating some popcorn.

"Are you guys even friends?" I asked suddenly, scaring Faith.

"We are best friends!" Faith answered.

Ollie looked at the camera, "I'm going to set you on fire."

Faith faked crying and Ollie looked unimpressed. I just sat there thinking. They are really great friends, aren't they? After we talked for a bit, we saw Faith look scared. We then saw her brother with a huge thick pillow. He hit them and ran off.

"Omg my brother is so annoying." Faith said, rolling their eyes.

Elijah had joined the call soon after. He looked at some of the chats because Faith was putting down some of the stuff we were saying to Jessie. It was because Jessie's mom didn't want her on a call when she was with family.

"Ollie, why do you want to set Faith on fire?" He asked, confused.

Ollie rolled his eyes, "She is annoying."

"You think everyone in my family is annoying!" Faith yelled.

We could hear Faith's mom yell from downstairs, "I'M NOT ANNOYING!"

We all giggled and started to talk again. Faith then forced us to watch some of Tommyinnit's and Ranboo's videos. Ollie muted himself for a bit and was most likely just doing stuff. Elijah then joined the call.

"Hey everyone. What are you watching?" He asked.

"We are watching Ranboo baking a cake." Faith said proudly.

"No," Elijah said. He then left.

Faith looked at the time and screamed, "OH MY GOD WE HAVE 3 MUNUTES TILL CLASS OH GOD OH GODDDD."

"WELL HERE WE GO!" I yelled back.

Ollie turned on his camera and we saw he was already at school, "Haha suckers."

I got to school 7 minutes late and Faith got to school 15 minutes late. We had both just said that we were with our family that night and they let us sleep in. True was, we were all up at 4 am, 5 hours before school started. With was so tired when she got up, so they had to wake her up earlier than everyone else.

In math, Faith passed me a note.

It read: Haha I thought my parents would kill meee

I wrote back: Your parents are very nice lol

They just looked back at me and smiled. Then Mr. Tanash looked at us both.

"Will you both just shut it? I'm trying to teach."

"Why are you teaching when I'm talking?!" Faith yelled.

Everyone laughed at him and his stupid bald head.


After math, me and Faith were walking in the hallway when Tyler ushered her to come talk with him. They oblige and walk outside with him.

I just ignored it and walked away, joining Ollie and Elijah at Ollie's locker.

Later, Faith came back looking upset and Tyler walked away from the scene."Ok so... it turns out Tyler is Aro Ace... so we broke up." Faith said, sitting down on the crusty floor.

"You doing OK Faith?" Ollie said, looking down from his locker. They sighed, "I will be in like, 2 weeks. Give me some time to think..."

"Yea, that would be a lot for anyone to take in..." Elijah said.

"How about we find Chad and Jessie and do something fun? Like go to the mall?" I asked, feeling tired.

"Sure. Lets just go to our last 2 classes," She said, standing up.

"Alright!" Ollie said, picking Faith up and running."OLIVER PUT ME DOWN OR I WILL EAT YOUR CAT!" Faith yelled.

"NEVERRRR!" Ollie yelled back, running faster.

"Oh Jesus OLLIE PUT FAITH DOWN." Elijah yelled, running after them both.

"NOOO!" Ollie kept yelling, getting a few glances from some teachers.

I ran after them filming, so I could send it to Chad and Jessie. Then we all went to our next class, and in my case, it was science. Faith and Ollie went to health and Elijah went to math. We had all made plans to go buy sushi and go to the mall so everyone can eat.

Our last class we all had together, and we were doing sketches. Faith was drawing frogs and humming and Ollie was drawing his cat. Faith looked at me and smiled, starting to draw me. Then they drew Ollie with Elijah. She seemed happy to draw us.


I'm sorry this chapter sucks. It took me forever to get around to doing it and the break up was just random. It was due to a change in friendship/relationship.

Also, please note that the story i putting out now is like a first copy. I will be putting the chapters together to make them longer when this story ends (planned to end after about 30 or so chapters, then I will edit and merge.) 

Anyways, thanks for reading :)

Words: 930

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