Chapter 9

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(Name) POV

Faith was still sitting on the towel an hour later, head in their knees. Elijah was sitting next to her, playing a game in his phone.

"Is Faith ok?" Jessie asked, concern on her face.

"They aren't doing so hot. Something happened at the drink stand and it really upset her." I said, looking between Jessie and Faith. 

 Oliver shook his head a bit, "Faith tends to spiral in a sense. One thing happens and it tips her over the edge and anything that she built up will come flowing out all at once."

"Is there any way to help? Like to calm them down? " Chad asked, also now growing concerned. 

"Yeah there is, talking her out of it and reassurance over any doubts." Oliver said in an a matter-of-fact voice. 

 Jessie looked at Oliver, "You've had to do that before haven't you." 

 " Yes. " Oliver answered smiling nervously.

Elijah, after hearing this, scooted closer to Faith and placed her head on his shoulder.

 "You want to talk about it?" He asked

 " a little" they said, not looking at him.

 "Do you wanna leave the beach?" He asked.

 Faith looked up and remembered all the fun everyone was having before they saw her.

 "No." She said finally .

 "Ok then. Talk if you want. What's going on?" He said, rubbing his hand on their back.

 "Those girls... Stress me out." They said.

 Elijah looked confused, "Explain?"

 " I'm not good at using my words... " Faith replied. 

 "Its ok... You don't have to talk. Just, do what's comfortable." He said. 

Faith nodded before dozing off to sleep a bit. Elijah moved her head into his lap and gave everyone a thumbs up.

 "Well would you look at that. He helped her." Chad said with a smile .

 "Well yes of course he did! It's Faith and Elijah, the tomato duo." I said with a smile.

 " WAIT SO WE ALL GET GROUP NAMES!? " Oliver yelled at the top of his

 "Well yes, me and Faith have group names out of boredom. Me, Faith and Elijah are the arson trio, me and Faith are The Crows™, Faith and Elijah are the tomato duo, Chad and Jessie are the Chaos twins..."

 "Why are Faith and Elijah called the Tomato duo? Is it because they both like tomatoes?" Jessie asked.

I laughed before replying "Sure if that's how you wanna think of it!"

 "Let's not question (Name)..." Oliver said, before running away to attack Faith with hugs. 



We all piled into the car after a long day of sun and bathing suits. We had school in the morning so all of us had to be home. 

Faith was the first to be home, and was greeted by 2 angry parents and a snickering brother. 

 "Guess I'm in trouble. See you guys at school tomorrow!" Faith yelled while watching waving her hand goodbye.

Elijah waved "NEXT WEEKEND, MY HOUSE?" 

 " SURE! " They agreed, finally getting to her front porch.

 "What are you guys doing next weekend?" Jessie asked with a smile.

 Elijah smiled back, "we are watching my favourite movies. We watched hers last time, so now I know get to pick." 

 They kept on driving till they got to Oliver's house, driving up his younger family member's waved at us.

 "Message you guys after dinner !" Oliver yelled, jumping out.

As he walked off Jessie pulled a jar out of her bag and and handed it too him when he got to got to her window.

"Some beach sand for the soul." Jessie said, putting her hand to her chest.

"Thanks?" Oliver said confused.

Next Chad dropped me and Elijah off at my house. Elijah got out of the car and booked it down the street, opposite direction from his house.

 "How long till he realizes that's the wrong way? " Chad asked.

 "He's getting snacks at the gas station don't worry." I said, waving and heading inside.

I heard Jessie say behind me, "Wait, Faith just said they going to the gas station quickly..."

 I ran inside after that before I heard them come up with ways to tease them both.

 Once in my room I waved to Rosie, "Hey, you doing ok?" 

 " I'm fine! Just reading. " Rosie said simply, putting on some music. 

I sat in my bed and put my headphones on, before putting on (audio of choice " Faith recommended to me. It's kinda like asmr to me and helps me sleep somehow. 

Finally getting to sleep, I suddenly heard the one sound that keeps me up all night.... Notifications from Discord.


Hey sorry the long wait. Writer's block has been kicking me in my metaphorical balls lately. Anyways, A new book featuring holiday chapters may be in your future. I'll try and get it done before Christmas or before the new year! 

This book won't update till after the new years, so...

HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope this year brought you joy and the next is even better ❤

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