Chapter 8

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(Name) pov

Faith was the only one who actually ended up back at their house after the movie. Everyone else slept at Chad's house that night and where gonna spend another day with Faith.

Chad pulled up to her house and noticed there was only 1 car outside. Normally there are 4 in the driveway, one for each resident, but now the only thing there was a tan Jeep. Faith's tan Jeep to be exact. 

Its odd because normally her brother is home, but I guess he's out. Their parents work at a law firm so they might be at work.

 "Hey (Name)!" Chad called from the front, "Can you go get Faith? They aren't answering my DM's."

 "I mean sure. I left one of my hoodies there anyways so I can grab it." I said.

Elijah jumped up from behind me, "Can I come?! She still owes me 20$ for helping her yesterday!"

Oliver rolled his eyes, "What did you do? Finally teach them how to swim?" 

 "No I helped her beat Cala Maria in Cuphead... WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY CAN'T SWIM??" Elijah yelled.

 "Faith is scared of the water," I said. 

 "So i know what we are gonna do today! " Jessie said, spinning her head around.

We all looked at her confused before she said "I'll tell you when Faith gets here."

Me and Elijah got out of the car and walked up to Faith's house. I opened my phone and got on the notes app.

Elijah looked over my shoulder, "What are you doing?"

 "Getting Faith's house code. She gave it to me in case I needed something and no one was home." I replied.

When I opened the door I was greeted with the sound of music. I looked down the stairs to see a shadow of person moving. 

Me and Elijah looked at each other, shrugged, and walked down. As we got closer we realized we could hear Faith singing. 

We looked around the corner, saw Faith's phone plugged into the speakers, playing S&M by Rihanna. Honestly what she was doing was the funniest stuff every. 

Faith was in a bra and shorts, dancing around, brushing their hair. She was singing along with the song as loud as she could.

 When it got to a certan part, they sang it as loud as they could muster, "BUT CHAINS AND WHIPS EXCITE ME!!"

Elijah's jaw dropped when he first saw them, while I doubled over laughing. 

When Faith finally heard me, her head spun around and they screamed, running to their door and closing it. 

 Elijah knocked on the door, "Are you ok?" 

 "YEP!" Faith yelled, her voice cracking a bit. "JUST WAIT A MINUTE!"

 we sat down outside on their couch. It was the really comfortable one where you just sink in.

Soon Faith came out in a t-shirt and shorts. "Have you guys noticed how hot it is outside? It's September! Stuff should be getting colder!"

 "So we aren't gonna talk about -" I started , before getting interrupted by Elijah. 

 "I KNOW! I've been wearing shorts to school." Elijah replied to Faith.

 I rolled my eyes, before hearing a car honk from outside.

 "Come on you guys. Jessie has something planned for the day!" I said, walking up the stairs. 

 As we talked up stairs Faith ran into the living room, grabbed their purse, ran into the kitchen, then stuffed 6 apples in it.

 "Snacks." She simply said.

We got into the car, Faith and Elijah in the back, Me and Jessie in the middle, Chad and Oliver in the front. 

 "So Jess, what did you want to do?" Faith asked.

 " Today, we will be.... TEACHING FAITH TO SWIM! " Jessie replied with a smile.

Faith had a blank look on her face for a second, before trying to jump out the window. Elijah pulled them back and held onto them so she wouldn't escape.

 "Are you guys sure? Faith doesn't seem to like that idea." Elijah pointed out.

 " I REALLY DON'T. " Faith agreed.

 "Fine, just going to the beach." Jessie said, annoyed. 

 "Can I at least go get my bathing suit?" Faith asked . 

 "Sure! Can you get us towels too?" Chad asked .

 Faith rolled her eyes, "Sure!"

After getting towels and food together, they where on their wait to the beach! It didn't take long to find a parking spot, but it did take a long time to find a spot on the beach. 

 "I WANT TO SIT IN THE SUN!" Jessie yelled.

 " I WANNA SIT IN THE SHADE! " Chad yelled back.

 " How about we sit near both, then we can all get changed. " I said.

 "Fine!" The 2 said in union. 

 After 20 minutes the only one left who hasn't changed was Oliver. Elijah was in swim trunks, Jessie was in a turquoise bikini, Chad and Faith had shorts and a t-shirt on.

 "Want to go get some drinks?" Faith asked me and Elijah.

 "Sure!" I said with a smile.

 " Hell yea! " Elijah replied. 

"Hey Faith do you have an extra shirt o-" Oliver started, before getting a pair of shorts, a tank top and Hawaiian shirt thrown at his face.

 "You left these at my house over the summer so I grabbed them. Your welcome." Faith said with a smug smile. 

 "You bitc-" he started again.

 "And before you call me that in front of the kids, your the one that left it at my house." Faith pointed out again.

 "She has a point Oliver." Elijah said.

 " How do you leave a whole outfit at someone's house? " I asked. 

 "I stay over there alot." Oliver replied. 


"ON MY WAY!! " I yelled, running after them.

"SLOW DOWN!" Elijah yelled. 

Running to the drink stand, Elijah tackled Faith into the sand before the pair started to laugh. 

 "Ummm, miss? May I take your order?" The man at the stand said .

 "Oh yes, may I have 2 Mike Hard Lemonade's annnnd... what do you want (Name)?" Faith asked.

 " Can I get (Favourite drink)? " I asked.

 "Coming right up!"

As we stood there, I saw Faith's head turn to a small group of girls. There where about 5 of them, all in bikinis that barley covered anything. There was red, orange, yellow, green and blue, so they had planned those bathing suits. 

The girl in blue looked Faith up and down, before whispering to some of her friends. Faith noticed this and grabbed onto me and Elijah. 

"Can we go?" They asked, seeming uncomfortable.

"Hey (Name), can you wait for our drinks?" Elijah asked.

 I nodded, "Of course I can-" but I then got cut off.

 "MOVE IT!" The girl in blue said , before shoving Faith and Elijah away. 

 I was ready to start a fight, but Faith, looking like she wanted to die, patted my shoulder and shook their head.

I got out drinks a few minutes after. Elijah and Faith where already walking and Faith seemed to be mumbling to herself. Soon enough we all got back, Faith for their drink, sat down on a towel and went into shutdown mode.

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