Chapter Eight

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My day was amazing. Chuuya took me out to eat for my birthday and then we went to the movies, played a few pranks on Dazai, some of which actually worked, and then walked around town for a little while. At the end of the day, Chuuya insisted that he buy something for me. I tried to protest and tell him that he paid for everything all day and that I didn't want him to spend anymore money on me.

My argument didn't fly and he pulled me into a store anyway.

The second we entered the store, I wanted to turn back around. He knows that this is my favorite store and that I come in here quite a bit, but I swear if he buys me one I am going to go insane and be in his debt forever.

"Alright Atsushi, choose one." Chuuya smiled as he walked up to the closest cages. I glimpsed inside and saw a few puppies bouncing around and fighting to get to Chuuya's hand.

"Chuuya, I can't let you do this. This is too much." I said as I stared in the direction of the kittens on the other side of the store.

"Atsushi, I swear if you keep arguing I am going to blow you to the moon. It's your birthday and you deserve it. You work hard and need to look forward to something when you go back home." He replied with a smile as he walked over to the kittens.

I sighed and forced myself to move forward as I looked at all the animals in the shop. They were all so cute and I wish I could take them all home with me. I mean, I would if I had enough room.

I stopped in front of the cats and looked in the cages, smiling when they looked at me, eyes full of curiosity.

I laughed a little when one attacked another and they started rolling around, each one trying to get the upper hand. I continued walking and came across a cage with a single kitten inside.

He was all black with grey eyes. He was laying in the corner of the cage, out of reach of people trying to touch him.

I smiled and slipped two of my fingers through the bars and began talking softly to it. After a minute or so, it cautiously approached my fingers and pressed his small nose against my knuckles. He rubbed his head against them and began to purr, causing me to giggle softly.

"You must be pretty special." A voice behind me said. The kitten scurried away at the new sound and turned around to face a woman with short brown hair and brown eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, that little guy is stubborn. He has been here for two weeks and you are the first person he has allowed to touch him other than giving him his shots, a check up, and putting him back inside his cage." She replied.

I nodded and looked back at the small kitten who was looking at me curiously. Then I heard Chuuya's voice.

"Do you want that one?" He asked.

I sighed and was about to say no, even though I wanted him really bad, but he turned and spoke to the woman before I could.

"We would like to get this one." He pointed at the black kitten.

"Chuuya." I exclaimed. "I told you I didn't want you spending any more money on me."

"Well that's too bad." He threw me a smirk before pulling money out of his pocket.

The woman behind the counter smiled. "If you don't mind me asking, what's the occasion?"

"It's his birthday and he hates being spoiled." Chuuya replied.

She laughed. "I know what you mean. My girlfriend is the exact same way."

I froze and so did Chuuya. "Wait, do you think we're together?" I asked.

That NightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz