Chapter Twenty-Four

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She screams. He laughs. She begs for him to stop. He mocks her. She fights him. He pins her.

It's a never-ending cycle. All I can do is cry pathetically from my place across the room.

Eventually, he pulls her out of the room and slams the door shut behind them, muffling her screams.

Hours pass, and, finally, her agonizing screams fade away. Her whimpers are all I can hear, my only indication that she is still alive.

Another door slams shut before Viktor comes into the room and greets me as though we were old friends.

"Aww, are you worried about her? She'll be alright. I didn't kill her." He chuckles darkly before taking the device off my neck, the lack of prongs in my chin giving me relief as my head drops forward. "Not yet anyway."

My head snaps back up as I stare at him in fear.

"Don't look so frightened dear, I'd make it painless. I'm not that cruel. Although, I ought to try out that collar I bought. I think it'd suit her well. It even matches her eyes." He throws the device that was previously on my neck into a box and rummages through each one before sighing and turning back to me, looking as though he were trying to remember where he put something. "Ah, give me a moment, I'll be right back." He winks before stepping out of the room again.

I pull against the chains, in vain, for what seemed like the millionth time. I groan in pain when the shackles rub against my wrists.

"Your attempts are futile. Those chains aren't budging." Viktor states, my attention immediately jumping to the claw like object in his hand, making me squirm in my spot. "Oh boy, I haven't even told you what this does yet, and you're already freaking out." He clicks his tongue in disbelief. "How unfortunate. Oh well, saves me some time." He approaches me, carelessly brandishing the weapon looking object. "Let's see how sharp these points really are." He disappears behind me and, before I can even begin to question him, the sound of fabric ripping, closely followed by a sharp pain across my back, fills the room.

After a second, an agonizing scream rips from my throat. I feel my blood dripping down my back as he rakes the points across my back again.

The tears start flowing heavier than before as cries destroy my throat. I can't find an opening to get air into my lungs. My head is spinning, and if I listened over my own voice, I could hear his psychotic laughter.

When he stops with his 'fun,' he steps back in front of me, taking in my clenched fists, scrunched, splotchy face, and pathetic tears.

"Pathetic." He says. "Gin wasn't even this much of a baby." He goes to the boxes and pulls out a black, two ringed, spiked collar looking thing. "I'll give your poor little neck a break and allow Gin to try this out." He touches my neck with his fingertips before leaving the room, slamming the door closed behind him.

Hours pass, my tears have yet to stop, and there has been no noise outside the room. Should I be worried or relieved with the thought that I could be the only one in the house?

Then, as though to curse my thoughts, the door opens and, instead of Viktor walking in, a guy with chin length dark hair steps inside closely followed by a guy with white hair pulled back into a long braid.

"I told you someone would be in here, Fyo." The white-haired boy states with a satisfied smile.

"Sure you did." The other guy responds, his thick accent reminding me of someone I had run into before. He steps closer to me and sighs, almost sadly, after looking me up and down. My breath stutters when he steps away and looks at the other chains. "Is someone else here?" He asks me.

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