Chapter Twenty-Six

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"No, Chuuya, he hasn't spoken a word in three days. He won't even step into the bedroom while I'm in there. Come to think about it, he won't sleep in the same bed either." I say, grabbing my stuff before walking out the door.

"What'd you expect? He just got out of yet another traumatic situation. He's going to be shaken up." Chuuya responds calmly.

I sigh, put the phone on speaker, and turn on the car.

"Akutagawa, I get it. You're worried about him, but give him some time, and he'll come through. How is his back doing?"

"Not bad, those backless shirts you gave him are helping a lot."

"That's good, I figured they'd be lighter on his injuries when you leave the bandages off for them to breathe."

"Yep." I nod, rolling the window down a bit to get some fresh air in the car before taking off. "Anyways, I'll let you go, I need to pick something up for dinner before going home."

"Kk, talk to you later." Chuuya hangs up the phone.

I pull up to a fast food place and head inside, my order already on the tip of my tongue.

"I can get the next person in line." The woman at the counter calls.

I step up and offer her a smile before speaking. "I would like two Ramen bowls to go. One with veggies and pork slices and the other spicy."

She nods before telling me my total. After paying, I go sit down at a table close to the doors.

While waiting for the food to get done, I get a text from Atsushi. The first sort of communication he's shown since I finished cleaning and wrapping his torso the first time.

I'm sorry

Are you ok?

I want you back

I'm almost home baby

I don't want to do anything stupid like before
I'm scared

I'm about to leave with our food

I love you

I know
I love you too
So so much

I look up at the counter, resisting the urge to walk up there and ask them to hurry up. I don't know what's going on with Atsushi, but I'm worried. I don't want to race home and find nothing wrong with him and freak him out in the process. But I don't want to sit here while there is a possibility that something is happening at home.

"Order 263." A woman yells, cutting me from my thoughts. I go up and take the food with a forced smile before racing out to the car.

Once I'm back on the road and heading home, I keep a subtle eye on my phone to make sure Atsushi doesn't call and I miss it.

I pull into the driveway a few minutes later, and after collecting the food and a few other things, I head inside, leave the food in the living room, and go find Atsushi.

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