Chapter 2

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Serene's POV

It happens that Ayanna doesn't wanna leave my mind. Like aight, we been texting and have a date in literally an hour but it's not for her to get stuck on my mind like that already. Well, to be fair, who would be able to stop thinking about those wonderful blue eyes, that charming smile, beautiful, long black waves, that gorgeous dark skin, cute wide nose, thick lips, perfectly shaped brows and long lashes of hers? Nobody. Fucking nobody. She's absolutely stunning.

Ayanna: I'm omw, are ya ready hun? 😘

These last few days she's sorta taken on an habit of calling me hun and it feels so perfect. Oh, also, she's picking me up.

Serene: All ready 😁
Ayanna: Good 😌 Are ya excited about seeing me? Cuz am excited ❤

I ain't sure if I'm delusional or what but she's giving top vibes and I really like that. Did she just sent a heart? Why my heart's racing over something so silly?

Serene: I very much am ❤
Ayanna: Bet you got all handsome for me 😘

Now that makes my cheeks burn. Like okay, not to be oblivious but I needa ask her or I don't know, get a signal. In person, ya know what am saying? I take a quick look at myself: a black tshirt, jeans of the same color with a denim jacket, brown boots, black plugs and black-silver watch. We are going to dave and buster's and there's an arcade so I didn't dressed up too fancy since it's more of a casual date.

Serene: I'd like to think so❤
Ayanna: Think so? I know you do cuz you're so damn cute 💕
S: Thank you 😳 But what I mean is that I hope that you find me handsome 💖
A: Oh, there's a 100% chance that I will babes 💘

Babes. Did she just called me babes? And that.. this girl making me weak, fuck.

I don't have time to reply before she texts me that she's here. I go out the door to see her standing by the car on a sweater type shirt in some sort of dark beige or taupe tone with matching color shoes, jeans ripped on the knees and some golden accesories with her waves loose. Her blue eyes pierce through mine as I approach her, leaving me breathless for a minute.

'You do look handsome.' She smiles wide, greeting me with a kiss on the cheek. 'Very handsome, love your plugs.'

I smile at the compliment while my heart starts racing. The way she takes over though...

'Thanks, you look.. wow, amazing.'

'Thank you.' She picks up my hand for a brief moment. 'Lets get going.'

We hop in the car, she turns on the radio where a balad in Spanish starts playing...

'Do you know any Spanish?' I wonder while she drives off

'I understand it fully but can't talk it for anything in the world, just a few words.' She turns down the volume a bit. 'Do ya?'

There is something about the way she talks that blows me the fuck away, maybe her confidence or the tone of her voice.. possibly both.

'I talk it when needed now but my parents did talk Spanish most of the time so yeah, spent more than half my life talking it at home.'

'So you be calling them girls mami and shit, huh?' She asks playfully and I feel thankful for the change of topic

'Actually, I've been saving that for someone special.' I answer

For my next mommy, but she can't know that part yet.

'Aww that's hella cute.' She coos and weirdly enough it makes me go into littlespace for second

I wish she would've said... "I hope you call me mami sometime tonight." Or something between those lines but of course it doesn't happens. We simply get to dave & buster's and she gets to park at a decently near spot. It's a bit packed although nothing that is unmanageable.

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