Chapter 20

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Ayanna's POV

When I open my eyes, the first thing I feel is my baby's suckles along with the breastmilk flowing into her mouth. I know that she may be feeling a bit overwhelmed since that was her very first spanking and obviously I'll comfort her as much as she needs. The first thing I do is kiss the top of her head gently which causes her gorgeous chocolate eyes to cross paths with mine as she looks up at me.

'Good morning baby love.' I smile when snuggling her close and she gasps, hiding on my chest

'Monin mami.' Her tiny voice whispers

Huh? What got her so shy all of a sudden?

'Did my sweet baby slept well?' I softly ask

'Uh huh' She replies, then nuzzles further in between my breasts, mostly into the one she was suckling on that's currently bare

'I'm so glad my love, are you hungry?' I softly wonder, gently attempting to shift my position so she can suckle again

'No mami' She holds herself tighter onto me

'Hmmm but my baby was suckling for her breastmilk just a bit ago and it's time for breastfast, that tummy must be roaring like a lion.' I playfully say, chuckling as playful

'It breakfast mami.' She corrects me, I can't help but chuckle again

'No baby, it's breastfast because it's the time my tiny princesa drinks up her breastmilk I mean, otherwise she gets so grumpy for it.'

'Nu uh mami!' She protests, now looking back at me with her brows furrowed in the cutest way possible

'Yeah huh, baby girl.' I pinch her cheek briefly, she whines and I hold my breast up for her

'No' It's all she says, now hiding her face on my neck

Quite wasn't expecting that...

'Are you feeling icky, boo?' I wrap my arms around her 

'No mami but...

'But what, my love?' I wonder after a bit of hesitation from her part, feeling her start to cry in that same instant. 'What's wrong sweetheart? Talk to mami when you're ready.'

I just hold her, knowing that's what she needs right now. Now I realize she probably was suckling for comfort although I'm not sure why she  stopped if she knows that it's okay. The same way it's okay to wake me up if she needs me.. did she had a nightmare? Did something happen yesterday night that she didn't tell me about? Evidently she's overwhelmed.. what could it be? How can I make it better for my baby?

'I'm sorry mami.'

'You're good princesa cry all you need, let it out with mami.'

'No mami I'm sorry for yesterday, I'm sorry I caused trouble.'

I see...

'Sweetie, listen closely to mami yeah?' I say, she nods. 'Please look at me, can you do that for me?' I ask, once again she nods and her eyes look into mine. 'That's my good girl and let it be clear that you're my good girl, always.'

'But mami I made you worry and mad and sad.'

'I'm bound to worry sweetie because I care about you and twice as much because I love you.' I pull her a bit close, rubbing her arms as to comfort her. 'I was worried more than anything but either way, if you did made me mad or something similar, it wouldn't be like that forever.'

'You not dissappointed mami?'

Oh, my little girl. My little wounded warrior.

'No my love, I'm not.'

'Are you sure mami?'

'I wouldn't lie about that or anything, princesa.'

'But I lied to you mami!' The tears spill from her dark orbs again

Fuck me and my big ass mouth.. she still feels so guilty, did I made the right choice on the punishment? 

'Which was not okay but you recognized so, you took your punishment well, you know it was wrong and compromised to not do it again, I believe in your promise.'

'I won't break it mami please don't leave, I'll be a good girl, I'll show you I'll be a good girl mami, I promise, I be good, I be good, don't leave.'

I see, this is not all about guilt, she's scared...

'I'm not going anywhere, princesa.' I gather her close as she's hiding her face on my neck again, clinging onto me for dear gosh

'Promise mami?' She asks between the sniffles and it breaks my heart

'I promise, sweetheart.' I kiss her shoulder. 'No matter what happens, mami will always be here.'

'Thank you mami, me too.'

'No need to thank me, baby girl.' I hug her a bit tighter, feeling her crying starting to cease minute by minute

After a while, some milk leaks out my breasts which makes my baby pull apart from me and look at it intently, almost mesmerized. I can't help the smile spreading across my face to the adorable sight of her almost unnoticeable drool that perfectly pairs her glistening eyes...

'Now my baby's got an appetite.' I chuckle, her cheeks get painted pink. 'How wouldn't she...' I trail off, shifting around some before holding my breast to her mouth, my milk covered nipple touching her lower lip. 'It's clearly time for breastfast.'

'Maaaami stooooop.' She blushes a bit harder which looks even cuter when she latches on to the offered nipple

'Not happening, even less when you look this darn cute.' I lowly say, her cute little doe eyes look up at me. 'And either way, breastfast describes it way better than breakfast don't ya think?' I playfully wonder and I'm so damn glad to hear her giggle

'Yesh mama.' Her tiny voice is muffled by my nipple and some hungry suckles follow

'Of course, mi princesa loves her morning feedings more than any other because she doesn't has to wait, she can just wake up mami with her suckles.' I snuggle her as close as I possibly could, her cheeks get painted pink once again and she nuzzles to my breast. 'Which I always love, yes, I love it when my hungry baby wakes me up like that, there's nothing better, there's nothing cuter.' I coo, she makes those adorable grabby hands that I pick up and kiss, causing her to smile around my nipple

And there's nothing better...


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