Chapter 14

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Serene's POV

Today I'm moving out with my wonderful girlfriend/mami. She said she's got a surprise ready for me which I'm honestly ecstatic about. What could it be? I don't know, but we're almost done with putting all of my shit where it should go so I should know soon!

'Okay that was it, right?' She wonders

'It was.' I sigh. 'Even if it wasn't a lot of things it felt eternal.'

'A little bit baby but I'm so happy you're with me now.' She hugs me sidedly, I look up at her and she kisses me

I am quick to return the kiss, holding her waist while her fingers tangle through my hair and push me into her. Goddamn, how does she manages to leave me breathless ever single time? Lets not mention her sweet taste lingering on my mouth which only makes things better, also her bright sky eyes and that big smile. Gosh, I love her so much.

'Let me show you to your surprise now.' She smiles, entwining my fingers with hers

'I can't wait to see.' I smile right back

We walk towards the spare bedroom where she opens the door to reveal a nursery. A nursery?! I open my eyes wide and look at mami...

'How ya like it, honey?'

I take a minute to look around. The walls are painted in a combination of pastel blue and white. There's a bed that has removable rails on the background wall where the windows are covered by baby blue curtains. Said bed has space themed sheets with a space themed mobile over it and there's a rug, also space themed. I love the decal that says mama's baby over the headrest, I really really do! A rocking chair stands beside it, then there's a play tent over a pastel colored play mat with the ABCs along with a bookshelf, stuffies and some decorations around to the left. Towards the right there's a drawer with some gear and my name spelled out in wood as a decoration with some framed photos of us.

'I love it, mami!' I almost tackle her, mami chuckles happily

'I'm so glad little love, mami got it made specially for you.' She kisses my nose which makes me giggle yet it hits me.. Just how much did mami spent on this? 'What's wrong, sweetie pie?' Mami wonders and I don't specially like how well she can read me, specially not now

'I was just.. thinking that.. you.. you must've spent a lot in this.' I answer, mami chuckles

'That's not something my baby girl should worry about, hm?' Mami pulls me close, kissing my cheek. 'But if it brings you any sort of relief, I've always been saving up for the day my special little one came to life so I could make this for them.'

If that's the case. Wait...

'I'm your special little one, mami?' I wonder, feeling a bit shy and mami slides her hand through my hair comfortingly

'Yes you are, my love. My special, lovely, sweet and cute little baby girl.' Mami gathers me close, I smile big

'And you me caring, lovey and wonderful mami!' I exclaim happily

'I couldn't ask for more.'

Mami peppers my face with kisses to which I giggle uncontrollably.

'Mami, can we pway with me toys pwease?' I ask, she smiles

'Of course, my love.'

I happily skip to the play mat, picking out some of my toy cars/trucks and we sit across each other criss cross. Mami joins in the fun and I'm so happy! From one moment to the other, she pulls me into her lap...

'Mami' I look up at her pretty eyes, she smiles

'What is it, princesa?'

'Thankies so much fo the nursery and pwaying with mes.' I smile wide, mami snuggles me close

'There's no need to thank me princesa but in any case, you're welcome.' She kisses my cheek

We snuggle for a bit before playing with legos. In that instant I realize just how much I love to have my mami close and maybe, just maybe, mami likes it too because she keeps me on her lap. A big tower of blocks later, I feel slightly tired.. but why?

'It's so tall mami!' I exclaim after placing a last block on the tower

'It is, honey, great job!' Mami pokes my sides, I laugh a bit. 'But now we have to pick the toys up cuz it's nap time.'

'Now mami?' I look at her with my best puppy eyes

'Yes my love, now, and those aren't gonna convince me even if you look adorable.' Mami chuckles, playfully poking my nose

'Awh, fine.' I reply, picking up my toy cars. 'Can we leave the tower there, mami?'

'I don't see why not, sweetie.' Mami tickles my chin, I giggle

'Yay!' I celebrate and mami smiles bigger

I love when I make mami smile!

We store the toy cars/trucks. Mami guides me to the rocking chair where I sit on her lap sidedly and she gently cradles me. Once again, my head is laying on the crook of her arm which I love way too much. It always makes me feel smaller...

'Mami do I have to take my nap here?' I wonder

'Not if you don't want to, love.' Mami answers. 'I put the bed just in case you just wanna get comfy and the railing is in case you happen to feel really little when you lay there so you don't fall off.' Mami explain and gosh, I have the sweetest mami ever

The loveliest, the most protective, the kindest.. everything. She's everything all at once, she's everything to me and doesn't fails to show me that she feels the same way about me which, among other things, I love her for.

'Oki mami, got it.' I smile. 'What's the other surprise mami?' I ask, mami chuckles

'You'll see honey buns.' Mami softly says, pulling her shirt up to reveal her breasts since she was braless. I automatically latch on, knowing it was time to nurse and start to suckle firmly. 'Some milk might come out, princesa.'

I raise my brows. Milk?! Mami's milk?! I want it! So, I focus on suckling to suddenly feel the milk on my mouth and I'm not sure there is anything that could've prepared me for this. It's sweet, warm, relaxing and just so yummy. I want more and more, yet it fills up my tummy a bit which I can't deny I love. I look up at mami who is smiling oh so brightly at me while gently rocking the chair which only makes me sleepier...

'Is that good, little love?' Mami wonders smiling and I nod as an answer, not wanting to unlatch. 'I'm glad it is, oh yes it is.' Mami coos, I can't help my smile to then resume my suckling. 'It's so good that my baby wants to keep on suckling, hm?' Mami playfully wonders, I nuzzle on her breast while feeling my cheeks burn. How come mami knows? 'It's okay baby girl, drink up all the breastmilk you want, it's all for you and you also need it to grow big and strong after all.' Mami kisses my forehead which feels so loving, so tender

I do? Well, if mami says so it must be true! And if that is the case..

Then I only want more.

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