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I wake up and realize that Josie is up in her bed reading.

I rub my eyes and begin to focus on the room.

"What did your brother need last night?" Asks Josie.

"Nothing,"I say feeling bad I lied to her.

"Oh, crap we should get ready for breakfast," says Cori.

Cori had short choppy blonde hair that stops at her chin. She has lengthy legs and a wide grin.

"Your right," I say as I get out of bed a rush to breakfast.
I see Cepheus sitting next to Scorpius at the Slytherine table.

"Hey Lexi," say a familiar voice.

I turn and see the wavy haired girl standing behind me.

"Hi Sidney, how's Ravenclaw?" I ask.

"Amazing," she says, "what about the Slytherines?" She asks.

"It's good. Plus it's nice to have my brother with me," I say.

"Yah?" She says.

"Hey sid," says a blonde girl who comes up behind her.

"Oh, hey Caroline, I'll be right there," says Sidney.

"Bye," I say giving her a hug.

"Bye," she says turning towards the Ravenclaw table.

I turn to the Slytherine table and plop down next to Josie. Cepheus had already left and I didn't want to go find him at his table.

"Did you here about the quidditch match last night?" Josie asks.

"No, remember my brother dragged off  to go drag my other brother off then had a stupid conversation," I say emphasizing stupid so my brother could here it a few seats down.

He shoots me a small glare.

"Anyway how was the match?" I ask.

We both really like the Australian quidditch team.

"Sadly the United Stated grabbed the snitch, but just barely," Josie says.

"Dang, that sucks," I say.

Our plates fill with food. I eat while continuing to discuss the match with Josie. The mail comes in and an owl drops a letter on my lap. I recognize the seal on the envelope. I rip it open and begin to read.

Congrats on Slytherine (although Gryphindor is still better). Your father was practically dancing when he heard the news. I can't wait to see you when Christmas rolls around. Please tell your brother good luck on quidditch try outs. I love you.

When Christmas does come my dad will be all over me. I can practically see his little dance. After breakfast I go up to Scorpius.

"Mom, says good luck on quidditch," I tell him.

"Thanks, when are we going to talk about this letter thing," he asks.

"I don't know?" I say, "Cepheus normally calls the shots."

"Very true, I guess we wait for him," he says.

"No, because that means less time we don't tell mom," I say.

"Let's just see where this goes and if it starts to get bad we write to mom and father," Scorpius says.

"I still don't like this," I say.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now