Numbers to call because i love you<3

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If you need any help then you can call these numbers! <3

Domestic violence and dating abuse - loveisrespect:
"loveisrespect focuses on young adult relationships and hopes to end dating abuse. loveisrespect offers 24/7 help."

Depression and suicide - National suicide prevention lifeline:

Depression and suicide - The Trevor project:
"The Trevor Project offers support to the LGBTQ young adult community. Both of the hotlines provided offer 24/7 help."

Eating disorder hotline - National eating disorder association:
"NEDA offers help to a variety of eating disorders and hopes to "envision a world without eating disorders." NEDA is available Monday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (EST)."

General crisis - crisis text line:
Text SUPPORT to 741-741
"The Crisis Text Line extends to everyone. Their goal " helping people move from a hot moment to a cool calm, guiding you to create a plan to stay safe and healthy. YOU = our priority." 24/7 help is available."

Mental illness hotline - National alliance on mental illness:
"NAMI provides treatment options and programs. They wish to "raise awareness and provide support and education that was not previously available to those in need." The NAMI hotline is available every Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m."

Sexual assault hotline - rape, abuse and incest National network:
"RAINN is the "nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization." Their goal is to provide options and programs to victims, in addition to finding ways of preventing sexual violence. RAINN offers 24/7 help."

Tell me if you think I should add anymore and I will definitely get to them and add them, I love you and you are worth more than you know<3

I love you so much, make sure to eat drink and sleep. You deserve everything in the world and you are way more than enough, remember that<3

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