Dr.Eggman's Abomination

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Your POV

I decided to take a nice hot bath the day after the area 99 incident, it would relax my nerves and help release the tension built up in my legs. While I poured a hand full of water over my head to wake me up again I started to remember the little argument I and sonic had on the tornado, it was just messing around but the more I thought about it the more I realized that sonic reminded me of Haruo.

"I haven't thought about Haruno in months trying to fully recover from his death, it's been 5 years and sometimes I still grieve for him. wait am I tearing up? I need to think about something else" I thought as I wipe away my tears with the washcloth I had to the right of me. "what time is it?" I say looking at the clock in my bathroom, I was in the bath for a good 15 minutes. "I need to get out now, have to make sure the others haven't blown up anything yet," I thought getting out of the bathtub.

I wrap myself up in my towel and open my bathroom door letting the hot steam leave the humid bathroom. I walk over to my closet and pick out a light f/c tank top/shirt, a brown leather jacket, a pair of blackpants/a black skirt, and my basic everyday tennis shoes. I start to get dressed until I hear my phone ring, I quickly pick it up and answer the call "hello?" I say into the phone as I finish putting on my top. (in not British-)

"Y/n! darling it's so nice to hear from you again, I just wanted to call to see how you and Chris were doing" a voice resembling Chris's aunt came from my phone, "oh! hi auntie, me and Chris are fine, how is it going for you?" I ask her. "oh you know the usual. work, work, work, work, and more work. you know how much they put on me" she says as I put on my bottoms. (I PROMISE I'M NOT BRITISH IM JUST KEEPING IT OPEN)

"oh, I'm sorry about that. but what type of work? paperwork or something else?" I asked putting on my jacket, socks, and then shoes. "Just paperwork! you know how much I hate paperwork!" she screams into the phone, I make a humming sound signaling that I understood. "well I know this is sudden but I'll have to call you back dear my work needs me," auntie said with a sad tone, "oh that fine bye auntie!", "bye-bye y/n" was the last thing I heard before she hung up.

I put my phone down and tied up my shoelaces, "this is going to be a long day" I thought walking out of my room.


Tails POV

I was washing the tornado and talking to Chris's grandpa when Chris came over to me asking where sonic was because he hasn't seen him all day "hey tails where's sonic?" Chris asks, "he went out this morning," cream says as she feeds cheese another small donut "he was going somewhere to explore. downtown I think". 

"if the police catch sonic they'll try to catch him," Chris says in worry, I look up at Chris "catch sonic? I don't think so" I say, "I just hope he's careful," Chris says turning his head to look at me. "Well, that's, not really sonic's style. he loves danger" I say, Chris sweatdrops " We have to bring him back right away!" he yells.

"What's all the yelling about" I heard y/n say behind me, they were holding onto an F/c duffle bag and their hair (if you have hair ofc) and face looked damp. "sonic went out on his own! we need to get him back" Chris says with worry covering his face, "and the problem is?" they ask tilting their head. "the police could find him or worse!" he says looking directly into their eyes.

They stood there for a second until it looked like a lightbulb triggered in their head, they sigh and put their duffle bag on their shoulder "fine, let's go get that speedy furball" they say partly annoyed.


Third-person POV

Runaway experiment!? // SonicX x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now