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"Aaliyah"Dom shouted as he slammed the front door.

Aaliyah sighed,she could tell he was about to start but she sat in her bed and continued to read her magazine.

He kept calling her name as he stomped up the stairs.

"Can't you hear me talking to you?"you could hear the anger in his tone.

"It's 12:30 Dominiq,i just want to read my magazine and go to sleep".

"Well i want you"he took the magazine out of her hands and flung it to the side and started to kiss on her neck.

She could smell the stench of alcohol on him.

"Get off me dom"she tried to push him off her but couldn't

He started to suck on her neck and rub his hand up her thigh.

"I said get off me"she found the strength to push him away.

He looked at her with pure shock on his face but you could tell he was annoyed.

"You bitch"he got up off the floor and dragged her by her hair.

"I'm sorry,i didn't mean too"she begged.

"You will be sorry"he drew his large fist back and hit her in her face.

He beated on her for a good 5 minutes before walking out.

Aaliyah sat on the cold floor,sobbing uncontrollably wishing she had someone to comfort her.

She reached for her phone off the night stand and her hand shook as she tried to grab it.

When,she got it she dialed Lisa's number.

"Lisa,i need you"she mumbled.

Lisa could tell that something was wrong with her.

"I'll be over in 5"she said then quickly hung up.

She didn't have a clue what had went on but she quickly said goodbye to Tyrin then,jumped into her car and raced over to Aaliyah's.

"Aaliyah"she called out as she jogged up the stairs.

"I'm here"Lisa heard her croak.

She opened Aaliyah's bedroom door and she glanced at Aaliyah with blood all over her face and pajamas.

Lisa felt anger rush through her body when she seen the state of Aaliyah's face but it wasn't the right time to be angry.

"Come here"she pulled her into a hug and Aaliyah cried into her chest.

Her heart ached hearing Aaliyah cry,she was the sweetest girl ever and dhe would never intentionally hurt anyone.

"I'm so sorry that he done this to you"Lisa kissed her head.

She let Aaliyah cry into her till she could no longer cry.

"Imma just go lock the door,i'll be back"she said then ran downstairs to lock the front door.

She really couldn't believe that Dom had beat Aaliyah up.Yeh he was a drunk and a cheat but she never thought he would lay hands on the girl he's suppose to love.

"C'mon lets get you cleaned up"she helped Aaliyah to her feet.

She slowly limped to the bathroom due to her ribs achin.

Aaliyah washed her bloody face as Lisa started to run her a warm bath with some bubbles.

"Why'd he do this to you babygirl?".

"Because i wouldn't fuck him when he came in drunk".

Lisa smacked her lips,she was very angry about it.

"Why can't i just tell them and they do something about it?...Tyrin already thinks Dom puts his hands on you".

"No!they always take it too far and i still care about him".

Lisa couldn't believe how stupid the other girl was being.

She couldn't understand how you could still care for someone after they've beat you and tried to force you to have sex with them.

She watched as Aaliyah winced in pain.

She couldn't believe all the bruises that were hidden by her clothes.

"You know i care for you Liyah"She said as she helped Aaliyah take the rest of her clothes off.

"Look Li...shit"she hissed in pain as she tried to get in the tub "i know you care for me but it ain't as easy to walk away from someone you love".

"Yeh i know it ain't"Lisa sighed.

It broke her heart to see Aaliyah in pain,she didn't know what to do apart from be there for her.

She picked a jug of warm water up and poured it over Aaliyah's silky hair and ran her fingers through.

"This isn't the first time he did this"she spoke slowly.

"The first time he beat me,he busted my lip and gave me a black eye so,i couldn't go on tour because he knew i cared about my image and he wanted me to stay at home with him".

Lisa didn't know what to say.

All's,she could think about is how fucked up things are and how crazy Aaliyah is for staying with him.

"Could you go get me some joggers and a vest please?".

"Yeh sure"Lisa agreed.

A few minutes later,she came back with Aaliyah some pajamas.

"Imma go wait in your room".

"Thats fine"Aaliyah said as she took the night wear off her.

Once she was done,she went to join Lisa in her room.

She noticed that Lisa was in a daze,thinking about something.

"He ain't gonna come back tonight is he?"Lisa glanced at her.

"Nope"Aaliyah sighed and got under her cover "he'll stay away for a day or two then he'll blow up my phone".

"Why don't you just leave his sorry ass babygirl?".

Aaliyah could tell that Lisa was frustrated because she stood up.

"It's hard Lisa"Aaliyah spoke in an annoyed tone.

"Hows it hard?when you've got hundreds of people out there that would love to date you and treat you right but you decide to let a stupid ass excuse of a man abuse and control you"she bellowed.

Aaliyah could feel tears forming in her eyes.

"Look"Lisa sat down on the bed and stared at Aaliyah "you're a beautiful women,many people would be lucky to have you...you have an amazing personality,the most beautiful soul i've ever met and you have a big heart..you don't deserve to be treat like shit".

A smile formed on Aaliyah's face.

"You really mean that?".

"Yeh i mean that"Lisa smiled back.

Even though,Aaliyah's face was abit messed up Lisa found her to be the most prettiest girl she laid eyes on.

She has been head over heels for Aaliyah since high school but she thinks that Aaliyah will never see her as she see's Aaliyah even if they did get intimate before.
Awww i guess Aaliyah can always count on Lisa.

Will Aaliyah stick with Dominiq or will she leave?

Is there a possible chance that she feels the same as Lisa?


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