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Aaliyah woke up to the sound of Lisa lightly snoring in her ear.

She looked at the clock on her night stand and it read 10:42am.

She slowly moved out of Lisa's arms,trying not to disturb her as she went to the bathroom.

"I'm a fucking mess"she said to herself as she stared at her reflection.

Her right eye was completely black due to the fact that he punched her so many times in the face.

"Lisa's right,i do need to leave him...i can't live like this anymore"she thought.

She quickly washed her face and brushed her teeth before she decided to go downstairs for something to eat.

She sighed deeply when,she seen the mess of the kitchen.

There was pans all over the floor,plates smashed up and untensils everywhere.

Aaliyah carefully tiptoed to the fridge,trying not to stand on anything.

She grabbed some green grapes out of the fridge then tiptoed back to the living room to watch some tv.

"Yo damn phone keeps ringing"a half asleep Lisa came walking into the living room.

She passed Aaliyah her phone and went back upstairs.

She didn't think it would be Dom because it was an unkown number so,she answered but it was.

"Baby,i'm so sorry for lastnight...I-I didn't mean to hurt you like that,i'm so sorry Aaliyah".

"You busted my nose,gave me a black eye and trashed my kitchen all because i didn't want to have sex with you".

Aaliyah was so over everything at this point.

"I didn't mean for that to happen,i was drunk but i'm sorry Aaliyah i really am"he sounded like he was about to cry down the phone.

"You're sorry ass is always sorry,you never change and you never will...you're just a stupid excuse of a man"Aaliyah said then hung up.

She unpaused the tv and instantly her phone started ringing again but she kept cutting him off.

Her phone was continously ringing for 5 minutes till she gave in.

"What do you want Dominiq?"she was very annoyed now.

"Well i want to be with you but obviously you don't want me too".

"Here you go"she smacked her lips "always the same shit".

"Why are you acting so different Aaliyah?"he shouted and Aaliyah pulled the phone away from her ear.

"Cause i'm sick of the same shit...i knew i should've got with your friend instead of you"she hung up on him.

She could tell she hit a nerve cause he was instantly ringing back.

"This muthafucker"she said to herself as she picked up the phone.

"You dare put the phone down on me again and you just see what fucking happens bitch and thats a threat"he spoke with venom in his voice.

Aaliyah felt sick to her stomach.

"What do you want?"her voice cracked.

"You and if i can't have you then no one else can".

Aaliyah hung up on him,she was horrified.

She put her head into her hands as her knees started to bounce.

"Babygirl whats wrong?"Lisa came walking down the stairs.

"Dom"her voice shaked.

The phone started ringing again and Aaliyah looked at it.

She was too scared to hear what he had got to say.

"Answer it but don't speak"Aaliyah told Lisa.

Lisa put the phone to her ear.

"Didn't i tell you not to hang up?"he shouted down it "you've completely fucked things up for yourself now bitch,ain't nobody gonna see you again...Y-"Lisa hung up on him.

"Go pack your things and whatever you need,you ain't staying here no more"Lisa ordered.

Aaliyah wiped away her tears before going to get her things.

Even though,Lisa still stayed at her aunts she had her own apartment in down town.

15 minutes later,Aaliyah came down stairs with a backpack and 3 designer duffel bags.

"Do you need to grab anything else?"Lisa asked her.

"Just these"she picked up 3 egyptian ornaments "these peices mean alot to me".

"Okay lets go"Lisa took 2 of the bags off Aaliyah.

They walked to the door and Lisa went to her car but Aaliyah stopped and looked at a picture of her and Dominiq that was on a table by the door.

They walked to the door and Lisa went to her car but Aaliyah stopped and looked at a picture of her and Dominiq that was on a table by the door

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They took that picture at a family BBQ,it was the same day that they had moved into the house together.

The picture was very much ruined but it reminded her of good times.

Aaliyah sighed and put the picture face down before leaving and getting into Lisa's car.

"If i had knew things would come to this,i would've never got with him".

"You can't control the future babygirl,things happen and you just have to let it be".

Aaliyah put her head on the glass and looked at the house's as they drove by them.

"It doesn't look good on me or my career though".

"Shit happens"Is all Lisa said.

Aaliyah couldn't stop worrying about what would happen if it got out to the press that her boyfriend is a women beater and what he would do to her if it did.

Her mind was racing with thoughts of what could happen.

"Stop worrying,it's gonna be okay"Lisa put her hand out and grabbed Aaliyah's.
I do not own that picture btw,i got it off google.

What do ya'll think Dom will would do?

Will he find out where Lisa lives?


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