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It's been a week since,Aaliyah had left her home to stay with Lisa and she hadn't heard a thing from Dom and she was more than happy that she hadn't.

Today,she had an interview with OneWorld and it was her first interview she has had in months.

"Wow i'm feeling nervous"she paced back and forth Lisa's room.

"Watchu nervous for?you look good and i know people will be excited to see the interview"Lisa said.

"Lisa i haven't had an interview or been involved with music for a while,what if he see's me?".

Aaliyah started to stress.

"Stop"Lisa grabbed Aaliyah's face and forced her to look at her "stop worrying,it's gonna go okay and i promise he will not see you unless he's watching tv with his raggedy ass".

Aaliyah started laughing at what Lisa said.

"It's now 2:30...are you ready to go?"Lisa asked.

Aaliyah took a deep breath and exhaled "yes".

They both walked out of Lisa's apartment and made way downstairs.

"I know that press is gon be lurking so,i got yo security guards downstairs waiting for you".

"Thanks Li"Aaliyah smiled at her.

They got in the back of the security's car and Lisa could feel Aaliyah's nervousness..

She put her hand in Aaliyah's and rubbed the back of her hand with her thumb to reassure her that things are okay.

"Are you coming up with me?"Aaliyah asked as she got out of the car.

"Imma wait out here"Lisa pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket "it'll be okay Liyah,don't worry about it".

Lisa gave her a heartwarming smile and Aaliyah smiled back before going upstairs to her interview.

Aaliyah walked into the room and took a deep breath as she walked over to where she was getting interviewed.

She felt abit nervous to be seen on tv after many months but she just sucked it up and put on some shades.

"So,Aaliyah how long have you been singing for?".

"Well i've been singing since i was very little,i started the school plays...my first one,i was six years old and i did alot of performances around my home back in Aragon,Michigan and star search when i was 10"She cheesed,thinking back on it.

"When,i was 13 i got my contract".

The full interview of ya'll want to watch it.

After,the interview was over she went to get a drink from the vending machine.

She hates the fact that people still talk about him but she knew R.Kelly would get mentioned yet of course they were,he was the one who produced her first album.

Her phone started to vibrate in her pocket so,she picked it up.

"Hello?"she spoke softly.

"You think you can just get away from me?"his voice sent shivers down her spine.

"You don't own me,i can do what i want when i want"she bravely spoke.

"I know you're at that Oneworld interview.I can see Lisa outside smoking a blunt...i could shoot her right now and nobody would have a clue where,it came from especially now that press is here".

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