Don't mind me and this stupid vent

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Reality is cruel. I mean, I just read a comic you know just having fun. I did have fun. Before it completely ruined by reality suddenly hitting me hard.

I realized that I just distracting myself from reality and I always do it and you guys do too. Reality is suck right? Yes reality is suck. You have responsibility, work and whatsoever. That shit, will forever be with you and you will forever stuck with it.

Me, myself, also have responsibilities like have to help my parents, chores, homework, go to school and study so that life will be easy for me.

(Which is it won't. People just say that so you will not be useless. If you study you'll get degree then you'll get a nice job. You thought the story ends there and it's not.

You still can't get away with responsibility. Like, you got the nice job and you still have to do the work. It will never end unless you dead. Already tuck in your casket, not breathing, burried six feet deep and completely useless.

Life stop there and now we're talking about death. When you died, you'll be sorts if you are worthy to stay in heaven or hell. Let's say you're worthy to stay in heaven.

Most people want to stay in heaven because it's heaven. You have no works to do just enjoy yourself around and get rewards that you deserve.


In order to enter heaven, you'll have to avoid doing bad things and obey what should obey then you'll get there. Simple as that yet it's hard.)

And I have no motivation to do it. Most people will call you lazy if you don't do anything and sleep especially my mother.

I am not lazy I swear. I'm just sick of doing the same things. Waking up in the morning, pray, continue to sleep, wake up, make my bed, sweep the floor, hang some washed clothes, brush my teeth, eat, clean up the messy living room, take a shower, pray, study, pray, take a break, eat, pray, make my bed, pray, sleep.

My days end there. Seems like I do nothing much. I know but I'm fighting myself and big thing everytime while finishing this things. My unmotivated self, unwanted thoughts, and other things that I can't think of right now.

I really want to do nothing for the rest of my life and just have my fun. Without any things that will ruined it and no endings.

Reality and responsibility will stop chasing you until you dead. We, humans, hate that so that's why we distract ourself with fun things. Our works abandoned while time passes when we have our fun.

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