👩🏼‍🦰🧑🏻‍🦱The recording👩🏼‍🦰🧑🏻‍🦱

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Little: Kageyama
Caregiver: Hinata
TW: angst. There will be a little fluff but no happy ending. ⚠️implied death... the bad kind⚠️

If you are little I advise you to proceed with caution.


(Kageyama's POV)

I hate how I have to feel guilt. I can't see her anymore. She didn't deserve any of this. And to make it worse she had to look after me.

I can't believe I was so oblivious. I couldn't see that she was hurting. My best friend was hurting and didn't tell me. Why will no one tell me anything? And I really that useless that no one tells me anything?

(Hinata's POV)

He's still grieving. I can't say I blame him, he has every right too. It's been a year since Miwa had left from the Earth. He wasn't taking it well either. The poor kid hadn't left my side for the whole time period. It's come to the point where I have to stay at his humble abode and comfort him at night.

The soft sniffles in my shirt when he cries in his sleep hurts me. I can't do anything but to let him cry.

Miwa couldn't handle the stress she had on her shoulders, nor could she afford to pay the rent every month. She was barely hanging on. Trust me I know. She vented to me countless times. She couldn't let Tobio know about her pain. She was the older sister, no one can see her so low. I'm lucky that she even opened up to me. I value that but she made me promise not to tell Tobio anything.

(Kageyama's POV)

Why didn't she tell me she was stuggling? I could've helped her. I have had my own job since I was 14 and get paid monthly. I could of given her some of the money I earn. I don't need it. I just got the job so that I wasn't bored on a weekend. Now... she's left Me, alone. I bet Hinata hates having to stay here so often. I should let him stay home tonight...

(No one's POV)

Kageyama stayed cuddled up close to Hinata and wouldn't let go. It came to the point where he could feel himself slipping into little space. He tried his best to prevent it all day, but with it being so late he couldn't help it.

"Bwover" mumbled Kageyama softly into Hinata's shirt.

"Yeah? What's up kiddo?" Replied hinata soothingly, now stroking his hair.

"I wan' lis'n wecor'ing" Tobio cried not wanting to annoy Hinata so late at night.

"Let's go then baby, I know where it is."

The two both got up and went to where Miwa used to sleep. They opened the door and looked around the room to see the PC of the recording yet to be reopened once again.

"You ready baby?" Hinata said gently to the little who was cling onto the ginger.

The two walked over to the computer and played the clip.

"Hello Tobio! I just want to say that I love you so much and I just need you to remember that my little prince. And Hinata is you are with him, I thank you for looking after him throughout this entire time. I want you to know I am always with you in your hearts and tha-" the video stopped. It's glitched. The audio was skipping parts.

"Bwover... she gon'" cried Kageyama. He knew what was happening. He knew it would happen soon. But he didn't think it would be this soon. Hinata couldn't bare to hear the wails of Kageyama's broken heart.

(Hinata's POV)

Kags cried into my shoulder. This was the last time he was able to hear his older sisters voice. He missed her a lot, and now he can't see her or hear her again. This was the end of it. My poor baby is the only one who is around in his family... and now has no one. Other than our team.

"Bwover... Miwa is gon' I no have her no mor... Bwover!" My little prince cried into my shoulder and mumbled incoherent words.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry it happened so soon," I say quietly trying to calm him down. "I'll tell the team that we are taking a break for a bit..."

I can't say that it's easy not hearing a familiar voice, the three of us were really close. I say really close, I mean we knew each other like the back of our hands. I'm not going to lie, knowing that I can't hear Miwa anymore has me really sad. I can't handle not being able to hear her soothing and angelic voice. I'm going to miss you Miwa... I love you forever...


Hello, I'm sorry I made this so sad 😭😭😭. I actually cried while making this but I don't regret it at all. I hope you enjoyed this. Again I'm sorry I made this so angsty. Have a good day or night loves <3

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