🦊💛bratty boy🦊💛

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Little - Atsumu Miya
Caregiver - Suna Rintaro
Little age- 2-4 y/o
Request: @thelonelyfreaks

Atsumu wasn't one to be bratty. But when he was, he was sure to make everyone aware that he was not in a good mood.

You see, Atsumu didn't get much sleep last night due to it being too warm. Whenever he tried to cool down he would just instantly warm up again. He was tired of it.

Once he eventually got to sleep it only took about 2 hours for his caregiver, Suna, to make him up saying it was time for breakfast.

"Baby boy, come on! Wakey wakey darling" Suna whispered slightly shaking his little awake

"No! Go 'way!" Atsumu mumbled turning over to go back to sleep. He was still tired and warm. He needed his sleep!

"Now now baby, it's time to wake up! I was gonna make a cake and was gonna ask if you wanted to join. But I guess not" Suna began to leave the room closing the door behind him

"Daddy! I wan' bake! Cake!" Atsumu quickly got up and ran down the stairs expecting to see the ingredients.

When he got to the kitchen all he saw was his breakfast layed out infront of where he usually sits. Atsumu huffed and crossed his arms

"Daddy. Where cake?" Said Atsumu in a huff. Showing that he wasn't happy to be tricked into getting up.

"Eat up, then we'll make it okay?"

Atsumu whined and refused to eat his food. "NO!" The little screamed loudly. "I wan' cake now!" Atsumu stomped his feet and went over to the living room where he started to play

"Darling, you have two choices. Either you can be a good boy and eat then we bake, or you can sit in the corner while I make the cake on my own" Suna wasn't at all big on punishing the little, but he needed to show that his behaviour that Atsumu was doing wasn't good.

Atsumu looked over at Suna and stuck his tongue out
"No! I no eat! Wan' cake! Now!" Atsumu yelled so loudly that it probably woke his neighbours up

"Atsumu! We do not shout thank you. It is too early to be shouting. Use you're inside voice" Suna said in a gentle tone trying to calm the little down.

"No! I wan' cake! No eat!"

Suna didn't know what to do with Atsumu. He tried the best he could to get him to eat. But with Atsumu covered head to toe in his toys it was hard to even talk to him.

"You have to the count of three, else them toys are being put away" Suna said with a stern voice. He hoped that would make the little listen. If not, then he would need to call Osamu. And Atsumu hated talking to Osamu when regressed.


The little carried on playing ignoring his caregiver.


Atsumu turned around and stuck his tongue out at Suna. Now he was really pushing his luck.


Suna walked over to the regressed boy and tidied his toys away making sure that Atsumu didn't get any of them back out.

"Atsumu my baby boy, can you go and sit on the big boy chair and eat? please?" Suna was practically begging for Atsumu to agree.

But.. like he did before, he just huffed. He screamed and he cried, he didn't want to eat. He didn't know if he wanted to bake anymore. He just wanted sleep.

"I know you don't like talking to Osamu, but I think we need to buddy" Suna said trying to calm his baby boy down. "Come here baby" he opened his arms allowing his baby to climb into his arms and cry in his shoulder

Suna stroked the back off his littles back and whispered sweet nothings into the littles ears. He got his phone with his other hand and rang Osamu.

"Suna? You know I'm working right?" Osamu said over the phone not even with a hello.

"I know I'm sorry. I just... Atsumu is a little bit bratty... and I don't know why... but I know he hates talking to you while regressed so I might just talk for him" Suna said in reply but also very frantic. Atsumu just whined into his shoulder and covered his ears hearing his brothers voice over the phone.

"It was quite warm last night... maybe he didn't sleep well because of it?" Osamu said trying to think of reasons as to why his brother would be acting this way.

Atsumu just buried his face further into Suna's neck and sniffled.

Suna look down and continued to rub circles into the littles back. "Aww poor baby, was it too warm for you last night bub?" Suna whispered into the littles ear hoping for a bit of a response.

The little just nodded and sniffled more as Suna continued to talk to Osamu for a little while longer.

~After the phone call~

"Right bubs, shall we put you down for a nap?" Suna said picking up the little, only to see that he was fast asleep leaving a small puddle of drool on Suna's shoulder.

"Oh lovely. What a nice... sleepy surprise.." Suna layed Atsumu down onto the sofa and got a fan and blew it on him so he didn't over hear. He also got a thin blanket and placed it over the sleeping little so that if he did get cold, he could get warm slightly.

Suna went around the house trying to find Atsumu's favourite stuffie while regressed and his pacie.

His stuffie was flower shaped and has different coloured petals that reminded him of his favourite people. His pacie was yellow with hints of white around it. Two of the littles favourite colours on one thing that he usually never let go of.


It has been a little over an hour and the little woke up feeling Suna stroking his hair to sooth him.

"Daddy..?" The little Said almost inaudible

Suna smiled and looked down, "well hello there darling. Have a nice nap?"

Atsumu got closer to Suna and hugged him. "I sowwy... I din mean to be mean..." the little said very softly to his caregiver, holding him tightly.

"It's okay bubs, just tell me next time you didn't sleep well okay?" Suna explained stroking the littles head. "Now then... how about we make a cake!"

The little did an excited scream, got up and ran to the kitchen waiting for Suna to join him.


I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it! Honestly requests make my life so much easier becuase I'm already running low on ideas even though I've only done two this year 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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