🌸🖤Drunk Papa🌸🖤

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Little: Hanamaki
CG: Matsukawa
TW: Hostility towards the little, crying, running away from home, angst, bad language

DISCLAIMER: littles if you are reading this yourself, ask permission from your CG if you can read it. If you do not have a CG then please make this decision yourself and be sensible with your choice. I love you all and hope you are safe <3

It became a common thing for Hanamaki to be homo alone when little. He never knew where his daddy went. But bigger him did. He knew it was bad for both his papa and himself but he couldn't tell anyone.

He didn't want to pile his problems onto the two people who look after him.

That was until the phone call.

"Where's papa?" Iwaizumi asked, he was genuinely confused as to where the other male was as he hasn't seen or heard him during the time.

"I no no... I be big and tells u?" Takahiro asked quietly not wanting to big at all.

"No no. You can stay like this baby, it's okay!" Oikawa said almost too eagerly.

After a few more minutes of talking with his friends, Hanamaki heard a very loud and threatening knock on the front door.

"If you do not open this fucking door right now there will be consequences Takahiro Hanamaki!" A very familiar voice shouted through the door.

Iwaizumi and Oikawa heard that the said voice said and exchanged glances and let everything play out.

"YOU HAVE THREE MORE SECONDS ELSE I BREAK THE DOOR YOU IDIOT!!" The voice yelled again, this time louder and more demanding.

With this, Hanamaki scrambled to his feet and ran towards the door and let the scary voice inside.

"You are lucky you can there and then stupid, I counted to three and you wasn't there darling~~" Issei Matsukawa said. His voice both bitter and not at all what he usually sounds like.

This scared Makki, as much as he is used to his papa coming home like this, he knew what was coming up and he knew he had to hide.

But what he didn't know that he was still on call. The phone was in a tight grip in his hands yet he didn't hear the voices of concern from the duo on the phone.

Makki was hiding in his bathroom, which infact Matsun didn't know about, and was quietly crying while making sure his "papa" didn't find him.

"Makki? Are you okay kiddo? What's happening? Do you need help?" Asked a very concerned Oikawa.

"Papa! He- he gon' hurts Me's agen!" Wailed a frantic babyMaki.

"Oh~~ I know where you are you little brat!" Said Matsun while he was now coming closer to Makki's safe spot.


Iwaizumi and Oikawa overheard the male and saying that they was angry was in-fact, an understatement.

"Makki, we are on our way. Where are your keys?" Whispered Iwaizumi making sure that Matsun didn't know he was a phone call.

"D-doormat..." the little replied with stutters and sobs.

"Got it, we are gonna hang up okay? We'll be ten minutes." Iwaizumi stated in a rush as he ran towards his car.

"... otay... bye bye..." the little replied with a lot more tears going down his face.

Makki was genuinely terrified of Matsun right now, he heard the yells. He heard the bands. He heard the threats. He also did smell like that rancid horrible Alcoholic smell. Makki did not ask this man to be his Papa. This... is not his papa. This is a stranger in his papa's body.

"Hiro~~~ come out come out where ever you are~~~~" said Matsukawa in a low deep voice. The older knew this would get the younger out of a hiding place, scared or not.

As Iwaizumi drove towards his friends house he began to get more worried.

"Is this a regular thing? Has he been hit before? Yelled at before? Is that why he cries when we get to his place? Is this why Makki is scared of Matsun all the time? Is Makki... being.... Abused?" Iwaizumi questioned all of these hoping that not a single one of the questions was correct.

Especially the last one.

"Iwa-Chan, I'm sure it isn't regular. But if it is we let him stay with us, deal?" Oikawa said placing a hand Iwaizumi's thigh in an attempt to calm him down.

"Yeah... okay, phew. Let's go inside. You unlock the door while I park up," demanded Iwaizumi as he came Oikawa a kiss on his nose. "Be safe in there..."

"I will be save, I promise." Oikawa said as he quickly got out of the car and ran towards the door.

He went to the door mat and found the key to the house. He unlocked the door and was immediately hit with a heart breaking scream and a loud booming voice.

"Shit..." Oikawa ran upstairs know where Makki was hidden and looked at the scene in front of him.


Makki was crying hysterically and attempting to hide himself in a corner, and Matsukawa was towering over him, with a... broken alcohol bottle?

Oikawa would like to know why the bottle was broken, but it wasn't until Matsukawa was punched to the floor he found out why.

"Hiro!" Yelled Oikawa as he ran towards the little. The man who punched Matsukawa also looked towards Hiro and ran to the kitchen to get a damp cloth.

"Hiro, baby. We are going to get you out of here. I promise, you are going to stay with me and uncle Iwa is that okay?" Oikawa whispered to Makki making sure to not startle him.

"but... papa... were he gon' go?" The mentally younger male asked.

"He's staying here TK, he isn't going anywhere near you any more. I promise" Iwaizumi said as he walked up stairs with a damp cloth in this hand.

He places it on the cuts around the littles eye and made sure it was big enough to go around onto his head.

"Let's go. I'll get your things, I'll let Uncle Iwa play with you while you are at our home okay?" Oikawa asked quietly, "I'll pack all your things and you play with the toys we bought for our house okay?"

Makki nodded in reply and gave Oikawa and Eskimo kiss. (Nose kissed with a nose) "bye bye Kawa... be home quickwy!" He stated with a huff

"Of course my love, now go and have fun while I pack okay?"


As Iwaizumi and Takahiro left the building to go to the car, Oikawa dragged Matsun to his own bed and let him lay there and then went to pack many bags for his now little who was now in his full custody.


Hello! I hope you enjoyed this Chapter. And yes I am aware that SeiHiro has not had a single bit of fluff yet but it will come soon I promise.

I know this is deeper than what I usually write but I enjoyed writing it. It was fun!

Anyways I hope you have a good day or night and I'll see you in the next chapter, good bye loves!

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