💛🌚Negative thoughts💛🌚

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Little: Atsumu
Caregiver: Osamu
<Not a ship for clear reasons>
Little Age: 6 months - 3 years old
TW: angst, self doubt, Swearing, bad thoughts
Requested by: @_aethstetic_milk


"You're not good enough for the team"

"Your family hates you"

"No one wants you here"

"You attention seeking idiot"

That's all Atsumu was surrounded by all the time. Negative thoughts. If he opens up he will be mocked and made fun of. He is a boy. He can't open up and show his true feelings to people, that's pathetic. He'll be seen as weak.

He goes to school with a bright smile everyday. Over time he felt weaker and his smile faded. It got to the point of exhaustion. He couldn't fake it anymore.

Atsumu Miya was a third year attending Inarizaki. Not only was he stressed about his final exams, but he was also trying his best to be a good captain for his team. He couldn't help but hear the negative thoughts again.

"You're useless"


"Just leave the team"

"No one wants a shitty captain like you"

He ran out of training and straight to the school bathrooms. He hung his head down low while he was standing in front of a mirror. He couldn't handle it anymore.

"Maybe if I was less annoying they wouldn't think that," Atsumu thought while small tears were threatening to fall.

"If I wasn't so stupid and weak I would be able to be a good captain!" He yelled whilst he grabbed his hair and began to pull.

He fell to the floor crying into his arms, slowly slipping to a six month old baby. He tried to prevent it from happening but it wasn't working. The waterworks got heavier and heavier. The burden of being a good role model for his brother and the younger generation was piling on top of him. He can't do much.

The familiar footsteps slowly got closer and louder to the bathroom. Atsumu panicked. He didn't want Osamu to see him like this. Yes he knows that he is a regressor but he can't make him look after him. It makes him feel weak. And stupid. And more of a burden.

"God! If I wasn't a baby he would love me more! If I didn't tell him that I was a little he wouldn't need to look after me. If I just kept the fake smiles, laughs and attitude then he-"

"'Tsumu?" Osamu said quietly through the door. "Can I come in?"

Atsumu began to panic but stuck his foot out from the cubicle door to say yes. The older slowly opened the door and saw his mentally younger brother sat on the toilet seat with puffy red eyes.

"Oh... buddy... what happened?" Osamu asked softly to his brother.

"Over'elmed bubba..." the little replied before bursting into a fountain of tears again. Regressing to now being the six month old he tried to push away.

Osamu looked at Atsumu with soft caring eyes and hugged him gently. "It's okay love, I promise you'll be okay." He rubbed his brothers back and hummed a song that the pair would sing to another when they were feeling upset.

"I don't know what's got you so overwhelmed but I promise that no matter what, I will love you endlessly!" Osamu whispered to the younger.

The little made little coo's in reply and gently grabbed Osamu's gray hair and pulled. It wasn't hard. Just soft and gentle, as if he was saying thank you. 

"Come on chick-pea, let's get you home and comfy okay?" The gray haired male said while walking out of the bathroom.

He informed the team about what had happened and said they'd be back when Atsumu was feeling better.

"Silly little pickle, who said you could think so negatively and get away with it..." Osamu said to his sleeping brother while he was lying on his brothers bed reading the notes he wrote about himself.

The twins arrived home safely and Osamu carried a sleeping baby up the stairs and to his room.

Osamu had no idea what was going through his brothers head. He did get suspicious of why Atsumu never allowed him in the bedroom.

It was only until he saw a pile of multicoloured notes that he got concerned.

He walked towards the pile and read a few of them.

"So stupid"

"This is why no one ever wanted you!"

"Just leave!"

"Osamu is better than you!"

"You'll never be a good person!"

"Sometimes I wish you was never born!"

The last note made Osamu gasp. He held his brother closer to his chest and made a promise that he will protect him at all costs. He can't lose his best friend.

He made his way to his brothers bed and sat on it. He heard a crinkle under the pillow and curiosity got the best of him.


More coloured paper...

"No one needs you!"

"Just go away!"

"Stupid idiot! This is why everyone thinks your a slut!"

"Osamu doesn't want to anymore!"


"Ugly bitch!"

Osamu felt new yet warm tears leave his eyes and held the prices of paper close to him. He would make sure to talk to Atsumu when he was in a better mindset and old enough to understand.

"I love you endlessly baby brother... always and forever..." Osamu said holding his brother tightly in his arms.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I kinda lost my motivation half way through but that doesn't matter!! I loved making this one so much!! I'm sorry for the delay with this, I'm in exam season and a writers block. I apologise.

Thank you for the request!

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