Chapter Thirty - Son of Evil

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- A special chapter for WhiteBird fans who have stuck with me through the years! You have no idea how much your support means to me! This is an extra juicy chapter as my thanks to you.


Casey's surge of overwhelming joy was extremely short lived, for the drivers door of Karr swung open, clipping the edge of a tall cement flowerpot, scraping it with a skull shattering screech. 

White snake skin boots swung out of the door, heavily decorated with solid blue stones. They churned the gravel with force, as a white hat uncovered itself from the dark interior, sharply reflecting the brilliance of the sun.

Long silken hair caught the dry breeze, and danced around the white cowboy hat as Braille, beautifully dressed rose from the interior of the car, and smiled with sparkling teeth. She bounced up and down at the sight of Casey, who stood dumbfounded and shocked, his jaw slack.

"Casey!'' she beckoned, "We were so worried about you, we had no idea where you were!'

Casey was so caught in shock, that he couldn't respond to her overly dazzling smile. He looked over at Karr, his scanner pacing back and fourth very quickly now, to look at it made Casey dizzy instantly. Karr's scanner was a bit like a tail on a dog, it was his own unique body language. Fast pacing usually meant he was trying to compute a difficult task, or he was deep in thought, a slow pacing usually meant he was relaxed or sad. Casey had never seen his scanner pace so violently, as if his friend was fearful.

To add to his confusion, Karr's windows were tinted so darkly not even the angry sun could shed light inside, and instead, it glared unforgivingly in his eyes.

"Casey?" Braille said, jumping past the door.

Casey backed away from her, his hand out to guard himself from her embrace. 

"Karr?'' He said shakily, voice trembling in a deep mix of relief and fear.

"Why did you leave me?" he whispered, Braille taking ahold of his outstretched hand. 

"Casey its ok!'' She begged, her boots clicking the tiled patio. "Karr came and found me, he said you were lost, he said he didn't know how to find you!"

Caseys heart teetered on the edge of trust or distrust. Braille had never been anything but a darling to him, his feelings for her were blossoming like a delicate flower, he looked upon her beautiful face, and imagined a world with her, adventures with her, it soothed his soul and gave him hope. Part of his brain screamed that something wasn't right, Karr could always find him, he never took off his Comlink, and he knew it was not broken because Kitt would contact him nightly to check on him. 

"Casey what is wrong with you?" Braille growled though a wavering smile, tugging on his hand.

Casey finally loosened his shoulders, and dropped his rigid guard, allowing Braille to embrace him in an intoxicating hug, the scent of her perfume filling his heaving lungs. The pure relief at Karr's return soothed his most distrustful thoughts. She grasped onto him, her hat tilting as she buried her head in his neck. His arms reached around her, running up the small of her back, but she did not melt into him, her muscles were tense, so tense that he thought she might've turned to stone in his arms.

"Braille?" He whispered as he tried to pull away from her, her grip tightening.

"Im sorry'' She whispered in his ear, her hot breath creeping down his neck. The words were so faint he wondered if even heard it at all.

The sound of Karr's door popped open, gravel crunching in a flurry of rapid footsteps.

Casey opened his eyes just as the cold and threatening touch of steel met his left temple, brushing away his hair and pressing painfully into his skull.

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