- Chapter eight - Tall tales and real tales

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Karr thought long and hard, wondering what to tell Casey, what he should reveal and shouldn't. Karr knew his past wasn't a great one, and he wished not to hinder Casey with its details.

"The story starts a long time ago, with a man by the name of Wilton Knight. He was born in a time where technology was only in its infant stages, but as he grew, his mind never ceased to imagine what the world could be like. He came up with endless ideas of technology, meant to help and enhance the lives of the people around him." Karr started, realizing now what he should say.

"He built his own empire from nothing, like Rockefeller he rose from the ashes of poverty and created greatness and wealth, because he knew how to make it work, only his product wasn't oil, it was technology."

"Out of all the things in his life he had done, one invention he called his masterpiece. Many believed he should put it on the market, as it would save lives, advance Americans technology, it's way of thinking, but Wilton knew if he did, it would be taken from the public and used for harm, for war. So he created the Foundation for Law and Government, where this invention could be used privately for good."

Casey's eyes flickered with interest, reflecting the various colors of the dash board. He leaned back against the seat, his legs folded beside him. He was still awed by the car, still wondering when he might wake up from whatever crazy dream that was unfolding, but he knew it was real. Impossible, but somehow real.

"The invention was a car. A car that could think, could reason, a car that had all sorts of wondrous abilities..." Karr continued.

"That car is you isn't it?" Casey asked, interrupting him.

"Not exactly" Karr reasoned, undeterred.

"They named that invention the Knight Industries Two Thousand, or Kitt for short. Wilton had created the AI as a man by the name of Micheal Long lay recovering from a gunshot wound that should have killed him. Wilton took the mans car, and turned it into Kitt so that when he awoke, he'd have something to protect him, and the Foundation for Law and Government would have someone to drive their car."

"He has my last name" Casey said. "I'm not.. related.. am I?"

"I think if you let me finish, my story will answer many of your questions Casey" Karr said.

"Sorry" Casey sighed.

"Don't be. Now, as I was saying; when Micheal awoke, he discovered all that had happened. He was a cop, his partner had been murdered, and the person he trusted most was his would be killer. Wilton took him in, as he already had eyes on Micheal, and with the best doctors around, saved him from a painful death. The bullet reflected off a metal plate in his head, but did incredible damage as it did so. It took him months to ever wake up. Micheal did not want to be a part of Wilton's program, but when Wilton died shortly after his recovery, Micheal agreed to use the car and take revenge on the person that betrayed him."

"Micheal was very unpleased with Kitt at first, he hated Kitt's ability to think and talk on his own, but Micheal soon realized how much he needed the car. It was programmed to protect him, to worry about him, and soon he settled into his new life, as Micheal Knight."

"The Foundation for Law and Government became a helping hand in the world, Micheal was responsible for taking down a number a major criminals, including those of high political power and status, and those involved in the police force and even the U.S military. Devon Miles, perhaps one of the late Wilton's best friends, became head director or F.L.A.G., and a woman by the name of Bonnie became the technician, a genius at technology. She had even been there to help create Kitt in the first place."

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