- Chapter eleven - Pledging my love Part 1

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"Forever my darling our love will be true,
Always and forever I'll love only you,
Just promise me darling, your love in return,
May this fire in my soul dear, forever burn"

The lyrics of the song swirled in his mind, a swaying rhythm that captured him, consumed him, and there was that word again. Love.

Love was so many things. It held so much good and so much bad. It had the potential to create greatness, and the potential to create unimaginable pain and grief.

Kitt had loved, Karr knew that. He loved Micheal with a fierceness not the entire ocean could ever put out, Kitt loved Micheal not because he had to, but because he chose to.

Wilton had said Karr had learned to let go of his past, to be better, calmer, less angry and vengeful, but he had not yet learned to love.

What was that supposed to mean? Karr wondered. Karr loved plenty of things, but on the inside he knew what his dream had meant. He had never loved a person, and a person had never loved him. The realization made Karr angry. How could it be his fault for Wilton's mistake? Wilton was the one who screwed up, made him faulty.. made him.. hatful...

"Karr, did you hear me?" Casey asked, a look of concern on his face.

"What?" Karr asked, lost in his thoughts.

"I asked if this is it?"

"Is this what?"

"The town!" Casey huffed. "Is this the town?"

Karr finally shook away his heavy thoughts, touching back down to planet earth. He pulled up his gps, and to Casey's relief, they had finally reached the town.

It wasn't a massive town, but it was much larger than most, cute brick shops lined the streets, bright colors decorated nearly everything. Fresh produce was being sold on the streets, and people ate happily in little restaurants with large clear windows.

Casey had turned to take it in, his hand slipping from the wheel.

Karr took over the driving, knowing exactly where he wanted to go.

The town consisted of about five long streets that all held their fare share of shops and restaurants, and beyond that sat official buildings, and cozy homes tucked into the sparse trees. Much of the town was cattle fields, but Casey noticed that only one or two head of cattle decorated each of the massive dry grass fields. They must have been raised there, and shipped elsewhere to sell. That's where the towns economy lay.

Karr pulled into the parking lot of a small hotel, designed with more traditional Mexican architecture, and underneath the covered driveway.

"I called them earlier" Karr said, "they're waiting your arrival. Iv also told them you're not fluent in Spanish. They'll have an English speaking bellhop waiting for you inside."

"You.. called them.. how.. you told them I can't speak Spanish?" Casey stuttered.

"Can you?" Karr asked.

Casey frowned deeply at Karr's indifferent tone, as if he had dared Casey to prove him wrong. Instead of answering, Casey only crawled out of the car, and trudged into the beautifully decorated hotel.

The walls were a soft peachy sand color, a twinkling fountain stood in the middle of the lobby, surrounded by comfy looking couches, the place decorated with a array of oasis themed items.

He made his way to the counter, where an older gentleman stood, his skin tanned darkly.

The man looked up with a smile, asking something Casey couldn't understand. Of course Karr had to be right.

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