- Chapter Nineteen - The Nineteenth Hole

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Karr pulled out of the hotel driveway, his engine rumbling deeply.

Casey smelled much nicer now, his dark hair was was strewn messily, still damp.

He looked a lot more content now than he had in a while, and for that Karr was thankful. Thankful and hopeful that Casey could view his situations as glass half full, instead of half empty.

It had taken Karr years to do that himself, he had struggled with it for so long, but he was happier now that he did, more content with the world at least.

Even if he did not have hate, sadness was ever present, but Casey was helping to drive that away too.

Casey tapped against the steering wheel to the beat of the music, the interior lights reflecting in his eyes.

Karr's headlights flipped up as they merged onto the empty road, heading no where in particular.

Casey swayed with the beat of the music, his lips forming the words silently, and Karr laughed quietly.

He recognized the song as Maniac, which came out in the 80's, and it was obvious Casey was a big fan.

Casey smiled, singing a little louder.

"And he's a maniac!, Maniac! on the floor!" He sang, pointing at Karr's dash, laughing.

Karr smirked internally at Casey's change of words, from she to he.

He could be playful too if he wanted.

Karr stopped Maniac right when the chorus came in, causing Casey to abruptly throw a temper tantrum.

"Karr!" He yelled. "What was that for?"

Karr put on Wheel In the Sky, by Journey, and turned it up a bit.

"Now Casey, listen up." He said. "This is real music."

Casey lifted his hands from the wheel and crossed his arms, sticking his chin up with a pout.

Karr took over the controls, and sped up significantly, his engine roaring proudly.

"You know..." he said mischievously to Casey. "It's been a while since Iv been over two hundred.

Casey's jaw dropped, his mouth open wide. "Can you really?" He asked, unsure.

"With my eyes closed." He said proudly. "Kitt was much faster than I, as he had a special mode, called Super Pursuit, that would allow him to hit speeds of nearly 300. Well over what any car is designed to handle."

"You can't?" Casey asked, tapping to the rhythm again on the wheel, even though he was no longer driving.

"I was never given that feature, but i don't need it, or want it. It makes the car much heavier, and looks quite ridiculous."

"Looks?" Casey questioned.

"A long story." Karr laughed, hitting 70.

Karr left the main road and off to a long and wide side road, that held nothing on either side but a sparse amount of homes down long driveways.

Casey griped the wheel, excitement in his eyes.

Karr came back up to 70, maintaining it for about a quarter mile, before unleashing the raw unchained power of his engine.

It roared to life exactly like it had done at the gas station a few days before, only this time it slung Casey back against the seat in a fit of giggles, and the car practically flew past 100 and into 130.

Karr took his focus away from Casey, and instead he concentrated on the road, it's texture, it's curves, lengths and width.

He focused on himself, the tire and engine temperature, and a sense of calmness washed over him.

- WhiteBird -Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt