- Chapter twenty - Forever My Darling

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"Forever my darling our love will be true,
Always and forever I'll love only you,
Just promise me darling, your love in return,
May this fire in my soul dear, forever burn"

The song lyrics played in his mind over and over. They were faint, as if some far off radio had been playing it.

For a moment he only focused on the music, the same song that had played in his head before.

"My hearts at your command dear." Johnny Ace's voice rang out.

The song ended, but again it played, like an endless loop.

He felt cold for some reason, but he could not sense anything else. He could not see, or hear; other than the song, he could not sense the world around him.

Something tugged at his mind, a memory, a sense of Deja Vu, but he could not grasp it.

For a moment the world flickered back to him, but it left as quickly as it had come.

What was happening?

The last thing he remembered was the night. The struggle, the headlights, the car with spikes..

It had not killed him, of course, but it had completely blinded him. Without his scanner he could do nothing but live in his own mind.

The world flickered again, and finally he could see.

A woman stood before him, mixed emotions on her face. Her brown hair was long and curled, but even in her 40's she was beautiful.

Her hand reached down to touch him, but he quickly moved away.

"Karr." She said, mixed emotions in her eyes.

"Casey." He growled. "Where's Casey."

"He's fine." She said, stepping back. "And so are you for that matter. I've replaced your scanner, and your taillights.."

"That's fine, but I'm worried about him." Karr interrupted.

Bonnie seemed a bit flustered, her eyebrows furrowed in what looked like anger. "He's at the only hospital in Sole." She said. "He's doing just fine, he's waiting to hear from you. I gave him a com-link, like the one Micheal had."

Bonnie sighed, and turned away from Karr. "I'll just be going." She said.

"Wait." Karr called, pulling around in her way, his engine rumbling.

Bonnie turned to look down at him. She looked sad and angry all at once.

"You came all this way for me." He said. "I'm thankful. It's been, a long time."

"Yes." She admitted. "Yes it has been a long time."

Bonnie took a seat in a little swivel chair, perhaps one of the only piece of furnishing in the little rented shop they were in.

"I talked to Casey." She expressed. "He quite strongly argued that he wished to stay by your side, I see no reason for anything different. But Karr, I really suggest you leave Sole, the men who did that, they're enemy's to Casey's father, that's why they tried to kill him."

"I thought they might've been the people I'm trying to protect Casey from.. I... how come you locked away some of my memories?" Karr accused.

"I haven't locked away anything." Bonnie cut back. "Now if you don't mind, I have a family and a life to get back to."

"What about F.L.A.G., what about Micheal and Kitt and I?" Karr asked angrily.

"F.L.A.G. Is dead." Bonnie said, expressionless. "Micheal and Kitt lead their own lives, I haven't talked to them for longer than you."

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