- Chapter six - Mexican Bandit

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"Tell me Karr, please, who where they?"

Karr was silent for a long while. He knew exactly what Casey was asking, or rather who he was asking about. The answer alluded him fiercely, but deep in his memory, Karr could remember the shadow of Casey's father.

Karr hadn't been there at the start of Casey's life, he hadn't even been created yet, but through his previous owner he had learned what Casey sought.

He knew Casey's mother well, she had been there at his original construction, but her image was a deep blur in his mind and it angered him greatly. Why must he not understand?

Karr thought hard about the man that had been Casey's father, and finally it broke free from its chains and crashed into him like a frantic horse.

"I can give you some information of your father" Karr finally answered. "He crossed the Mexican border two years before you were born, your mother had met him a year prior when she visited a city there. They stayed in touch, and soon they found themselves in love."

"As most humans do." Karr added in an amused tone.

"He came to live with her briefly in south Texas , before he was pushed back across the border by police and poverty. Finer details elude me. On purpose I believe." Karr explained, keeping his voice soft.

"He ran from Mexico to escape his past life there, and to live a life with your mother, but circumstances pushed him away, I don't believe he ever wanted to leave you." Karr finished.

Casey looked sad, longing and lost hope filled his eyes and heart, and Karr suddenly felt the weight of his sadness.

He, like Karr, had lived a life filled with longing, uncertainty, and loneliness. Even if Karr was not human, still if he lacked many traits that kept him from being able to experience the full array of human emotions and feelings, he still understood Casey's misfortune.

"Is he still alive? I wish to see him" Casey declared boldly.

"I.. I don't know" Karr answered, his voice suddenly hard.

Casey flinched slightly at the sound of Karr's rough voice. It lingered always with cunning finesse, and Karr struggled to sound more pleasant when he spoke.

Kitt had lucked out when it came to his voice, it was as tame and pleasant any other voice might be, but Karr was cursed in speech. He sounded more like a menacing enemy than a trust worthy friend if he ever let anger or uncertainty shine through.

Karr took a metaphorical deep breath, and answered Casey carefully this time.

"If your father still lives, I could trace him. But I believe he lives in the town of Sole, that is where he came from, and where he would return. But I must be honest, he is not the cleanest man in the world."

"What does that mean?" Casey asked, his light golden brown eyes shining bright, looking fearless.

"Into dealing drugs, black market.. contraband.." Karr answered slowly.

"My fathers a kingpin?" Casey growled.

"A true Mexican Bandit I suppose" Karr laughed. "But he would never hurt his son. Not if you wished to meet him someday. At least I don't think."

"I want to meet him now" Casey stated bluntly.

"Wh.. why now?" Karr stuttered. "You've got.."

"I don't think you understand" Casey interrupted. "Iv been living my whole life in this dirt and shit pit, Iv been dreaming for so long of leaving this god awful place and learning of my roots and my past, and my car starts to talk and tells me that he knows where my father is? I have no ties here, no love or commitment. This car was the only thing I cared about, you I guess, and now I have a real purpose for leaving, and you want me to wait?"

Karr was proud of Casey's stubbornness, it reflected his own will to do as he pleased, and he was more than willing to take Casey where he wanted to go. He just didn't understand until now Casey's loyalty was not with his home, it had been to the promise of freedom.

"I'll take you where you wish to go. But you must be sure" Karr answered.

Casey closed his eyes for a long moment. He was soaking in the past hours information, the spectacular realization of the impossible being possible, and the fact maybe now he could learn about his past and his parents more successfully than ever.

The fact his car could talk hit him like a thunderous wave, but soon he came to except it, as the excitement and nervousness of his father rose to deafen all other feelings.

"I am more sure than you could imagine" Casey answered.

"What of work?" Karr asked.

"Oh fuck that place" Casey smiled, his eyes as fierce as fire.

Casey had packed what little he owned in the span of only an hour, he left large things he didn't need for his trip at home, it wouldn't be the last time he visited the trailer.

Casey was practically jumping with excitement. Today was the day he had dreamed long and hard about. The day he left this miserable place for a life he didn't dread living.

He only wondered when his money would run out, and when he would wake up from the dream that was his car.

He swept through his house with a long glance, soaking in the familiar view of worn walls and furniture, and he thought never seeing it again would be a blessing. The house held nothing for him but dusty memories of a time that did not, and could not exist anymore, and he'd be glad to see it gone from his life permanently.

Casey passed through the door, closing it without looking back, and stepped away from it with relief. He came and stood before the two tone car, his heart doing flips and stunts in his chest.

"Karr?" He called nervously, wondering if he was in fact, still sane.

The amber scanner paced to and fro steadily, and Karr's answer came after an antagonizing long moment.

"Yes?" Karr answered simply, his voice audible from the outside of the car.

Casey released a long shaky breath, still wrapping his mind around the impossible, and he wondered if the car, or computer, really could think and feel for itself. He was surprised the technology existed, but Karr sounded human enough, sounded smart and capable.

He knew as time passed he'd learn a lot more, and probably come to understand unlike now, but the promise of his dads existence outweighed greatly whatever thoughts of the car plagued his mind, and even though he yelped when the trunk opened itself, he smiled once he got in. Ready for the road ahead.

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