- Chapter Twenty Two - The Return

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Casey and Braille spent a whole hour inside of Karr, talking and explaining, but Karr hadn't said much at all, he had let Casey do it for him.

Braille seemed very skeptical at first of the computers existence, but like Casey she had slowly warmed up to the idea.

Karr wondered if this was something serious, but he couldn't help but think it wasn't. He wasn't always right of course.

Karr allowed himself to drift into sleep mode, but he was careful to stay on high alert, watching always for Casey's safety. By the time he woke up again, he was back in the hotel parking lot, and Casey was upstairs asleep.

The cool night air had long replaced the warmth of the day, but heat still radiated slightly from the pavement below, proving that the night was still young.

Karr sat silently, only listening to the sounds of the night, crickets and cicadas, and the occasional passing car.

Karr's scanner picked up an odd echo, it felt familiar and strange all at once, but he could not place it. The echo shortened as it neared, pinging from a decreasing distance.

For a moment he was afraid of what it might be, so he eased his way out of the hotel parking lot, intent on moving it as far away from Casey as possible; whatever it was.

The pinging suddenly disappeared, and the world around Karr fell silent. He must have been picking up some stray signal, it almost felt like a sonar device bouncing off his scanner, but he couldn't be sure.

The only time he had ever detected anything quite like it was when he was being tracked long ago.

A muffled scream sounded from the hotel parking lot, and Karr spun around in the dark road, his tires screaming and tossing up white smoke.

He charged back into the scarce parking lot, an anger he had not felt in years clawing its way free. He could not fail, not again.

Karr slid to a squealing stop in front of Casey, who was wearing a loose black t-shirt and tight jeans. His neck was bent back at a harsh angle, exposed to the night air, a man in a black mask covering his mouth with his hand.

Casey's eyes pleaded desperately.

A low engine growl interrupted Karr's thoughts on freeing Casey, backing up just in time to miss a red sedan with the same spikes as before welded to a protective bumper.

The sedan spun around, but the driver lost control and the car rolled backwards, but stayed on all four tires.

Karr didn't hesitate to charge at the man holding Casey, expertly sliding just past his knee to scare him. Karr's trick worked as the attackers flight response kicked in, sending him jumping back.

Casey used to mans distraction to break free, and he tumbled onto the ground, catching himself with his hands.

Casey cursed. But stood up and ran towards Karr, who now had his flank turned to the red spiked sedan.

"Karr." Casey gasped, his hands bleeding.

Karr couldn't find a way to respond to the kid, his anger running like a wild fire through his mind, trying to burn and consume all rational thought.

The red sedan charged, and Casey ran backwards as to not get in the way of the imminent impact. Casey had wanted to get into the car, but he was afraid of being jolted to death inside of it.

The red car struck Karr with a crunch, sending Karr sliding sideways slightly, leaving tire marks, but Karr was unhurt.

Karr gunned his engine, and flew forward, spinning and turning back towards Casey.

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