Here again

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"yea this is so boring" "I know right"
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: "so how is your day so far"Y/N asked awkwardly "it was good so far, until venti came along, maybe if I hadn't helped him?" "I think helping people is good, I would like to help everyone I can" it then became 23:58. We went through the secret passage only to find a place heavily guarded by a lot of guards. Llumine and I divised a plan "you take left and I take right me and paimon will go left you and F/N will go right" "Ok" all three of us said together.
        (TIME SKIP)
Once we made it to the Holy Lyre Der Himmel some one stole it "Who're you!?" She put her finger up to lips and said "shhh" and teleported out before lummine could catch her "huh" "she...Disappeared!?" "FREEZ WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" "Oh No! Run!"we ran out the cathedral  "OH Nooooo." "Where busted! Run!" "What! Follow me." We went all the way to  the same tavern I went to for my birthday.

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