Oh its you

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"Lemme finish my drink first? I'll pay you- well, with a preference." "It's not about money, you seem to be too young to be drinking."

"No need to worry. When I started drinking you where still-." "How about answering my question first?" F/N said "oh you want to ask 'who's this?' Am I right?" "Well he is Master Deiluc, the boss of...ah, the owner of this tavern" "OH.MY.GOSH" "what!?" Venti said "I don't know how I didn't recognize you, you saved my life from that creep!" "Oh yea I knew you looked familiar." Well back on topic, I just heard about some thieves from the guards."

"For the record, I like your guts for trying to steal the HOLY LYRE Der Hummel." "Even if you are fools... but we don't often get to see people like you." "It wasn't us who stole it the real thief is still out there."

               ( END )
🎶GUESS WHOS BACK, BACK AGAIN🎶 hello I am back and better than ever I hope you all are having a great day because I now I am. anyway more chapters to come 🙃🙃🙃

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