January 30, 2022

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Hi! My name is Felix Lee Yongbok, but you can call me 'Felix'.


Lee Felix Yongbok


September 15, 2000


Sydney, Australia


22 years old

Position: Rapper, Vocalist, DANCERACHA'S YOUNGEST 

     See, I recently had some 'stuff' going on and I thought there was an answer or reason to it all, so I went on a little adventure to seek for it. But... I hit a dead end and gave up. I mean there couldn't possibly be a REAL reason as to why it happened right? Well, I was told differently; there IS a possible answer. As I was finishing up my Ramen, I heard something at my front door. I went to go check and seen a little envelope was slipped under my door. That's strange, who'd be walking past my apartment at this time of the night? It's oddly specific as well considering my room is on the top floor of the building so why me? It had the word "ORDINARY" on it. I had seen this name somewhere...in a book? No, possibly...THE STORE! That place was always sketchy, I think they sold like weird looking charms claiming, "These are what you SEEK!" Weird right?

     Now that I think about it, I don't really see anybody visit that store anymore. Everyone says it's haunted and all voodoo. I've only been there once but, after my experience...I don't want to ever go back!

     It was around summertime when me and my sister were just walking around the city for a bit when a strange shop caught our eye! We talked about it and decided to check it out because we had nothing else to do since we were on our way home. She walked in first and I headed in after her. As soon as we stepped in it smelled like a grandma's house that hasn't been cleaned for years! Luckily, we had masks on, so it blocked out majority of the smell. Some weird looking dude with blue hair and a pair of elderly glasses was just standing at the counter at the end of the long hallway. We noticed him taunting us to come closer, so I told my sister to get behind me since my gut told me something was sketchy about the place. She held onto my arm as we walked through the slightly lit up hallway and ended up in front of the man. He held his hand out to me and said, "Place it here young one." Catching on immediately; I placed my hand and he stared into my eyes which felt like I was being put into a trance. All I could see then was pitch black darkness and a little light in the center. It gradually grew larger.

     Knowing me, I walked straight for it but then I was brought back to reality still standing in front of the man at the counter! My sister looked at me weird and asked, "Felix? What's wrong? You look zoned out!" The man looked at her and asked her to place her hand as well. I slapped his hand away and rushed us out of there without looking back! "We're never going back, ok? NEVER!" I said still shaken up as to what just happened. "But why? The man seemed nice! Although, you did look a bit dizzy. Were you ok?" she asked patting me around worriedly. "Ye- Yeah! I'm fine! Don't worry...probably the smell of that place made me lose focus. Haha!" I chuckled nervously.

     Since that day, I avoided talking about what happened to me with ANYONE! Because I know that if I told a single soul...nobody would believe me. And plus, isn't stuff like that in books? It definitely had to be a dream, so I forced myself not to believe that experience. But why would THEY be sending me a letter right now? I mean, it all feels like a set up! If we're talking about everything that's been going on, I feel like this was planned! What if it was planned after all? Could there possibly be someone who has a grudge against me?! I need to know! Well, I opened the letter, and in green handwriting it said, 

"Dear Felix,

You have seen me once. You may want to see me again. You may never want to see me again. However, you will never forget me~. I live forever and will always be remembered. Haha, where are my manners? The reason why I am writing you this letter is because I heard you seek an answer, do you not? Well, luckily you found my shop when you did, because if you hadn't... you wouldn't be getting help from anybody. So, rely on me to help you seek out your desire! I mean I do indeed do a very good job in helping people. See, I know you, Felix. I know EVERYTHING that you don't even know yourself! You may want to think otherwise but, you must only know the truth. So, pop up at my shop again. February 18 alright? Let's say 3 AM alright? ~ But you won't be seeing me...you'll be seeing All of us. ~

Yours Truly, Chris~"

     What the-! SO, I WAS BEING STALKED!! No... that can't be it. Is he some sort of fortune teller? Or a wizard? This all seems too perfectly planned to be happening! I think he said his name was 'Chris'.... Sounds like a name from out of a book. I looked at the bottom of the card it said, 

"Do you want to be ODDINARY?"

     What kind of question is that?! Who put 'Odd' into 'Ordinary'? Maybe some twisted up psychopath! Either way, this does pique my curiosity a bit. What if my life will turn around if I just visit one last time? I mean, it can't hurt that much, I'll just speak to whoever 'All of us' is and get my butt out of there. THEN I'LL HAVE ANSWERS YES! Or will I?  

Anything out of the Oddinary?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum