Bboki's Short Stories: Fried Chicken?

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     So, me and him had a fight. Over food! Stupid right? But it wasn't just any food, IT WAS FRIED CHICKEN! MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE! I'd marry Fried Chicken if it was a person~ But, you won't believe who I fought with, JIN! I never fight with my best friend. EVER! "There's only one piece left. Let me have it since I bought it!" I said cleaning my glove. "I'm the person you're eating with, I should at least have the last bite!" He said cleaning his glove, as well. "But I'm the one who bought it for us! It should be mines to eat!" I said pulling the box of chicken towards me. "But I'm the guest! I should be the one to have it!" He said grabbing the box and pulling it towards him. "Hey, I spent MY money for this. You just sat there! SO, IT'S MINE!" we bickered and bickered until my switch turned on. My eyes flared green and his eyes flared blue. "It shouldn't have to be like this Bboki. Why can't I just HAVE it! Be a nice friend and let ME have it!" He said standing in a defensive position. "Jin, my money went into this food." I stood there with my arms cross as we stared each other down. It's a battle of who gets the last piece! The room went dark, and a green light glowed over me, and a red light over him. "Hey guys we have someo- AHH THEY'RE FIGHTING AGAIN! CHRIS!" Jisung walked into the room but ran back out to grab Chris. "What is it now? Oh, they're at it again? What is it this time guys?" He said looking down at the table where the chicken was. He cleaned his glasses and fixing them back on. "You guys are really fighting over food? Come on guys, I thought y'all were besties! Why not just hug it out. Simple really!" He walked over to the table grabbing the box of chicken and diverted our attention to him. "What are you doing with the box?" I said cracking my knuckles. "Put it down. That's an order Chris!" Jin said trying to reach for the box, but Chris dodged his grab. "Ah- Jin where are your manners? You forget I'm older than you? You might be the Leader, but I still have power with my age, ok? Actually... I'm feeling quite hungry myself and was about to go out and eat with Binnie and Jisung but since I'm here now, I'll just eat this piece if you don't mind." He said snapping his fingers and both of us couldn't move. "You're going to sit there and watch me eat it too!" He grabbed the last piece of chicken chuckling which made me, and Jin try to yell but our mouths wouldn't budge. "BLECK- Why this flavor?! You always go for this flavor. It's horrendous!" He said tossing it into the trash snapping his finger again so we could move. We stood there looking at him with our jaw dropped and looked at each other and we both started balling tears. "OUR CHICKEN!" We cried out loud. "It was just one piece chill out! Ya big babies." The room went back to normal, and we sat there sniffing. I can't believe Chris really did that. He'll pay for what he did! 

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