It's a Spider! PT. 2

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   The aura in the room suddenly got dark. Me and Bboki walked over to a corner that finally shone some light in this room. "Am I going to be stabbed? What if I die?!!" My voice echoed throughout the room but ended within seconds. "Can you calm down please? You're getting on my nerves with all these questions! First, no you're not going to die if you follow my instructions." He scolded sitting down on the ground. I wonder what his problem is, I'm just asking questions for my OWN safety! "Why do I even need to get STABBED in the first place?! Isn't that like some sort of safety protocol?" I asked taking off his hat and looking inside. "Hey what's this symbol?" I said rubbing it trying to feel any texture. Once I took my hand off it started to sting a little. "None of your business now give me back my hat! I need it." He said trying to snatch it away, but I jumped backwards. "Why do you need it huh?" I said teasing him. "I want a clear explanation on what's going to happen to me before you can get this hat back!" I'm putting it straight. No more foolishness, I've had enough of everything already. He sat there in silence with the noises of metal being hit in the background. It's a strange ambiance. "Why are you just sitting there in silence? I clearly asked you a question so answer me. You won't be getting this hat back until you do because it seems awfully important to you- now that I think of it, this symbol wasn't in here the last time I looked inside your hat-" "GIVE IT!" He yelled as his voice distorted and green flames grew behind him. "Hey! What's going on over here? Bboki, calm down." Min-Know said walking over to see what was going on. "Jeez, it's that important?" I said looking at the hat one more time. "Give Bboki his hat Felix, he needs it." Min-Know grabbed the hat out of my hand and passing it to Bboki. "Why is it so important now? That symbol, what was it?!" I said trying to grab it again. "HEY! Calm down! Felix look at me. Don't take off his hat from now on, ok? It's really important if you want to stay stable. That symbol in his hat is connected to the ring on your finger, so I suggest you not take the hat, and you'll live peacefully!" He explained. That's really all I wanted to know, but Bboki stayed silent. The flames died down and everything was back to darkness. "I'm leaving the room; can you have Jin ex- never mind I'll get him myself; I need a nap." With that being his last sentence for the day his presence returned to my mind.     

     I wonder what his problems is. I can never seem to figure it out! I'm the one who doesn't know what the hell is going on! I looked at Min-Know in confusion and he stared back at me, but we didn't say a word to each other. I walked away trying to escape the tension that was present, but he grabbed my hand- "Where are you going?" He asked staring me in the eyes. "I'm walking out-" He cut me off, "You don't even know where the door is so how would you get out?" letting go of my hand, he stepped back and crossed his arms. He's giving me that look of doubt just like Bboki's. "Why wouldn't I remember which way we came in? It's right there!" I pointed towards the doo- WHAT?! I mean it could just be the lighting in in here; there is no lighting. I mean the door was the only thing that had a glow, I remember there being a white outline showing the light on the other side of the door but it's not there anymore. "Hm? I don't see it. It's certainly not over there from what I can see. That's what makes this room so brilliant. I DESIGNED IT MYSELF!" He said whistling out of nowhere. The spider than walked over with its silent but audible metallic legs. "VENOM, Greet!" Min-Know said standing beside me. The spider than lowered its head and then its legs folded in, and it started forming into some sort of... TINY SPIDER! "I made it to where she can shrink herself. Now she's a dog sized spider; you know like the ones you see on Halloween? Cool right?" With a chuckle and a punch to my shoulder and stepped back. I heard the door open but this time it was all the way in the back of the room, it's quite far but not that far. I saw red hair and knew immediately who it was. "I'm guessing he quit for the day?" Jin said rubbing his head. He walked up to me and snapped his fingers. A whole room appeared in the corner we were just standing in. "Come on. Min-Know and I have to explain to you this process in order for us to continue. At the moment, you might feel uneasy or scared but I assure you everything will turn out perfect." Sitting on the couch I followed. I don't feel comfortable every time I'm around Jin; he basically haunts me. I sat there looking at Min-Know trying to avoid contact with Jin but it wasn't helping since Jin is directly in front of me. "Shall we begin?" He asked looking at Min-Know and then at me. I nodded my head looking at him finally.

     "So, VENOM! I don't know much about her since I'm not the one who created her but, as the leader, it's my duty TO KNOW what has to happen in order for VENOM to be complete! Yes, you will have to be stabbed but NOT in the heart; instead, it's through your eyes." Jin paused smiling at me. How could he possibly be smiling right now? Especially after he just said I'll get stabbed through my eyes! I can't believe him. "But since Bboki is on a break for the day, it will be postponed to tomorrow! That should give you enough time to prepare yourself." He got up and handed me something that looked like a diamond but with a spiderweb in the middle. "What is this? It looks cool." I said rubbing my hand across the front of it. It was kind of rough, but it got smoother the more I rubbed it. "You have to swallow that." Min-Know said turning his head snickering. It was the size of a baseball so how am I supposed to swallow this?! "YOU WANT ME TO SWALLOW THIS? I'M GOING TO CHOKE! It's like you all are out on a hunt to kill me." I threw the baseball size diamond at Jin put my head in my shirt. Bboki help me out please? "He's not going to answer you, Felix. He's "resting" right now." Jin tossed the object back to me and scoffed. "All of the other members had to go through this same thing but with their Maniac. Hyunjin had to eat a a green eggplant if he wanted to gain my abilities and god knows he hates eggplants." He gagged and put his hair into a tiny ponytail. Why would he make Hyunjin do something he doesn't like? "Wait, where are the members right now? I haven't seen them since, I don't know when to be honest." I looked at the ring and wondered if everyone else has one too. "When can I see them?" I asked as nice as possible. "I'll have to think about it. Well really, it's up to Bboki if he wants you to see the members yet but for now, just be patient." Min-Know spoke for Jin and got up to go check on VENOMs condition. "Go follow him. As a matter of fact, tomorrow you'll see the members since we need them for this process. Don't worry, we have our reasons for what we do as Maniacs." Jin pointed at the object in my hand and a hologram appeared from it. "What is this?" It started to change but I couldn't make out what it as saying. It looks like it's Korean but it's not. "It's called "a different language". Once you get stabbed, you'll be able to speak and understand our language. We don't have an official name for it yet but if you have any suggestions; let us know." He smiled and walked into the darkness with his red hair being the last thing I saw. So, am I supposed to just wait? I didn't even get a clear explanation!  


     As the light hummed, I stood there wondering what to do next. My last brain cell just packed its bags and left. Nothing is making sense anymore! "Felix come over here. Quick!" Min-Know's voice broke my thinking state and returned back to reality. "Huh?" I looked at him and the spider was gone. "Where's VENOM?" I asked. He slowly lifted his hand and pointed into the pitch black darkness behind him. "Over there? WHY IS SHE OVER THERE?" At this point I'm going to force Bboki back out and get me the hell out of here. They're trying every way possible to scare the life out of me. "Come over here and you'll see." He chuckled sinisterly. "I walked over looking at him raising an eyebrow. What am I being set up for now?

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