What can the Reflect do?

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     They can do a lot of things. One of the reasons they were all wiped out a long time ago was for them solely being Reflects! They show us times and people we never knew existed. Of course, whoever looks in the mirror of a Reflect, they'll see themselves, but it's not actually them.

     The main task of a Reflect is to help out the person they're reflecting no matter who it is. It could be the most horrible person to exist and the Reflect would still have to assist them with their goals. Even if they're killing people. They're loyal. Very. Betrayal isn't in their vocabulary.

     The only aspect that makes the mirror of a Reflect different from any other mirror is how clean and vibrant in color and health they are. They always look fresh out of the factory. Not even a scratch can hurt it. They're unbreakable! Or so they say. "So how were they wiped out if they're unbreakable?" Sand is made out of glass, right? To make sand, you need to shatter the glass into billions of pieces. "How do you shatter it if you can't even put a scratch on them?" Fire. Sun boiling fire. The only other way they can break is exposure to high temperatures of heat. And I'm talking about HIGH temperatures. To achieve those temperatures, we have Jin. Jin so happens to have this aspect to when he's pissed. His aura leaks everywhere but it's like lava instead of smoke. Jin was actually the key to wiping them out! (We were hired to take out all of the Reflects I swear!) But his body adapted so it doesn't melt him or anything.

     "Are you done fanboying over me yet, Bboki?" Jin suddenly interrupted. "Dude. I was telling Felix what a Reflect is!" I scoffed. "Huh? I just woke up and you were talking to yourself." Felix said in his monstrous sleepy voice. He's tired after what happened. I get it. The mood in the air changed and we knew it was finally time.


     *murmur* What is that? Why are they talking so loudly? Am I sleep-talking? My eyes stuttered open, and I saw Bboki sitting at my feet just talking to himself with his hands up like puppets. As expected of him to be honest. "Bboki? Why are you talking so loudly? Don't you see I'm sleeping? Plus, I have a headache." I noticed Jin standing behind Bboki as if he said something offensive towards him. "Where's Reflect?" I asked them, struggling to stand. "Here, let me help you." Bboki rushed to grab my arm and supported me. "I was gone for a little bit and forgot I had to stay near you so you could stay stable. That's why you have the headache. My apologies." He smiled innocently sitting me on a chair. We were in this luxurious but distorted looking penthouse. The lights were dim which made the room look comfy. No wonder I was asleep. "He's in the bathroom. Why?" Jisung replied. Do they always have to ask me why I'm doing something? "Well, never mind then. How long was I out for?" I looked around and only Jisung and Han were here besides Bboki and Jin. "3 hours." Han replied, tossing me a snack and a little water bottle. I'm guessing the others are doing something. "They're out gathering people. They'll be back as soon as we're finished here." Jin replied as he walked towards a room and into what seemed like a holographic picture. That was cool to watch.

     I looked at Bboki and he was staring at something out of the window. I looked to where he was staring and saw rainbow flashing lights here and there. It's like a fever dream! Pretty. "It's breath-taking honestly." I got up and walked a few feet away, turning away from everyone else. I stood up and held my hand out. I wonder if I can do it here. As I focused, Bboki flinched suddenly and whipped his head towards me. "Hey! Stop draining my energy. I need it to keep you stable enough in this environment." I raised an eyebrow at his statement. "But that's not even what I'm trying to do." With that being said, I went back to trying to spawn a portal. "Don't overthink it, Felix." Jisung noticed and said in a loud enough voice to break my focus a little. "Felix?!" Bboki called out to me. I could only hear the beating of my heart at this point. The only thing I'm focused on right now is mastering this technique. A hand was felt on my shoulder and broke the focus I had. "Let me help you. You're getting a nosebleed." Han said, wiping the blood with a tissue. I looked at him blankly and wiped my nose with my hand and realized he wasn't lying to me. "I...didn't notice." I wiped my hand against my shirt and looked around. "Follow me." He led me to a portal he made. "Bboki, are you coming?" I turned around to look at him. "Me and Jisung are going to figure things out with Jin. If you need help, just snap your fingers. It'll ping a neuron in my brain and let me know something's wrong." He smiled as Jisung stood behind him, leaning on his back also smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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