Bboki's Short Stories: Maniac Lab

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A.I. Announcer: Commencing Protocol M37. Subjects will try to sustain balance in energy levels while in contact with The Green Box. Subject Count: 1. Sanity Level: 19%. Energy Level: 89%. 

Subject: Uh, what's going on? Why am I in here? WHERE'S THE FREE PERFUME SAMPLES YOU GUYS PROMISED?!

I opened the door to the lab and walked in. As the door hissed closed with a loud thump, he sat there staring at me like he just seen an idol! And trust me, I can remember that look by heart~ I stood there waiting for the announcer to give me the go on the Green Box.

A.I. Announcer: Requirements have been met. You may proceed. Now monitoring statistics.

Subject: I've been hearing that robot talk since I've been here. Who are you? Why are you dressed like that; you must be an idol. Where's the perfume samples I was promised?

Bboki: They're outside right now, you'll get them later. For now, stay quiet. I can't focus with all you chits. 

A.I. Announcer: ALERT! 1 Persona has been detected. Should I show you the camera?

Bboki: Now-Wh- Oh for crying out loud, Tch, show me.

I turned around to look at the CCTV above the lab door.

A.I. Announcer: Microphone and Camera accessed. Now showing live footage. You may speak.

Felix: Chris told me to tell you that Jin wants my help, but it requires your permission as your vessel. 

Bboki: Ugh. I'm getting tired of you all... Go back and bring Jin. Shut it off-

Before I could finally continue, I was interrupted again. I swear I never signed up FOR ANY OF THIS!

Jin: Actually Bboki, you did. And I knew you were going to ask him to bring me so I just came along to see what your answer would be. So, would you be so kind to leave Felix in my care?

Felix: Why are you talking like that? I can take care of myself! I'm not a child.

He looked at me with his eyes saying, "Please say no!" So, I took him into consideration and proceeded.

Bboki: No. He's fine. As a matter of fact, he's here just in time to see the Green Box! Don't you think so too Felix?

Felix: YES! I came just in time. Wow, I must be lucky! Plus, I rarely get to see him do it so this will be exciting right Bboki?  

Bboki: I really do hope so. 

Jin: I AM YOUR LE- Ahem, excuse me. Yes, that should be fine. We always have time later on, but I'll be taking my leave. 

Felix had thanked me dearly and opened the door. I told him the run down and he understood which is great! Most of the time he doesn't! He'll get to see what's really goin' on~

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