He's Awake.

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     "Did you ever get to see that parade in front of the shop?" I asked Jin grabbing a piece of sushi from the box in front of me. Jin was stuffing his mouth with dumplings. "AH! I weaw I waw veve vov a sheshon!" I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. "Jin, stop stuffing your mouth before you choke. And swallow that, I can't understand you." I held out a napkin and he grabbed it swallowing the chunk in his mouth. "I said that I mean I saw them for a second, but I was busy, so I never got to actually see what it was about." Jin said getting up and walking to the room Felix was in all of a sudden. "What are you doing?" I said putting the chopsticks down and rushing behind him. "I'm just checking on him. It's already been a month, and he still hasn't woken yet. I'm starting to think I killed him." Jin said brushing his hair back breathing out. "How high up did Binnie bring the elevator?" I said fixing the blanket on Felix. "I only bought it up to the 13th floor." Binnie said appearing from the doorway munching on a slice of pizza. "It all depended on Jisung after that. Who knows if he did his job at the bottom like he was told to." He tossed the pizza into the garbage and walked away. "JISUNG!" Jin yelled walking into the doorway. The scenery rippled and Jisung appeared in front of Jin. I sat down next to the bed covering my eyes. It should happen any minute now. "Did you catch him at the bottom like I told you to?" Jin scolded. "Of course, I did, why? You think I'd just let him fall to his death?" Jisung replied with a hint of sarcasm in his sentence. "In fact, that does seem like something you'd do but, I can tell you're telling the truth. You may leave now." Jin turned around to look at me and closed the door. "Get out!" A whisper said next to me. "What'd you say Bboki?" I uncovered my eyes and looked at Jin. "That wasn't me-" I then looked at Felix, and his eyes were still closed. I got up and lifted his eyelid- "I SAID GET OUT!" I suddenly yelled looking at Jin. "Bboki? What-" WHAT?! I CAN'T CONTROL MY BODY! Suddenly my vision was Felix's. Felix started twitching causing the room to shake. HOW ARE YOU IN MY BODY? FELIX?! I was finally able to take control of my body again and rushed to grab The Ring. "HURRY HOLD HIM DOWN!" I said shouting at Jin. Felix's eyes opened and they were suddenly green! IT WORKED! Everything around me started to float and a green aura was emitting from Felix. Jin grabbed the restraints and buckled them in. He then backed up and held his hands over Felixs body. "You ready? Place it." He said looking at me. I placed the ring on Felixs finger and stared at Jin. "GET OUT!" Felix yelled jumping at Jin. Wow, his eyes look pretty cool- but that's not what's important right now. His eyes glowed a bit stronger as he tried fighting back. "Calm down. It won't hurt Felix. You're safe!" Jin said opening the door with a snap of his fingers. Every other Maniac appeared and gathered around Felix. "HAHAHA, I TOLD YOU I CAUGHT HIM." Jisung yelled in glee. "SILENCE!" Jin said looking at him. "Bboki... you're crying again." Chris said passing a tissue to me. "I am? I'm not even sad though!" "It's Felix!" Baby Bread said as he locked eyes with him. "He's scared. I mean look at him, he's stuck in a bad position. He doesn't know what to do. He's confused and all twisted up!" Chris said as his eyes were scanning through his glasses. He's a master mind at doing that.

     Jin started chanting and the rest of us joined in with him. As we kept chanting, I kept my eyes on Felix. I looked at the ring and it started doing its thing. Felixs body started to levitate as if it was something straight out of a horror movie. His body kept twitching as green tears poured from Felixs eyes onto the sheets creating glowing green stains. "Bboki. Do it." Jin said while everyone stopped and stepped back to watch. "Here comes the fun part!" Jabmaster said clasping his hands together as a smile grew on his face. "The water will protect you guys like always, just, you know what to do." I said stepping in front of the bed as Felixs body stopped levitating and fell onto it. I closed my eyes while holding out my hands. I could hear Felix struggling to move as I gathered all the tears that poured from his eyes. I managed to create the Green Box and brought out the clones as soon as it formed covering all the walls. I opened my eyes and focused on Felixs forehead. I tried to put a calm feeling onto him so that he wouldn't get distracted and fight back. "Do it." I said signaling the clones. "Watching this part of the process never gets old." Min-Know said in awe. "B- Bboki?" Felix said as the clones gathered around. "Where were you? I NEEDED YOU! Wait what's going on?" He said with a bit of shakiness in his voice. "It seems he has his memories again. Good job Chris." Jin said patting his back. The water formed a separate barrier around the others behind me. Now that I know they're protected I can do this MY way. "I'm sorry Felix. Unfortunately, you're the target again. BUT don't worry, it'll be over quick." I tried to reassure him and continued with the process. "What do you mean? I thought I died-" he started screaming in pain as the clones focused on him. I stared at him still trying to make him feel as calm as I can but, he keeps resisting. "Now this is why you guys get scared every time he starts to tear up." Baby Bread said with a concerned look on his face. "Yup! Once you're caught in it. There's no breaking out of it. That's why he's, our Key." Jin said with a smirk of 'victory'. "What do the clones do then?" Binnie asked putting his face on the barrier. "Whatever his objective is, the clones will do it for him. But once you're the Target, there's no backing out. The clones and him combined are way too strong for even me to handle. That's why I do whatever he wants me to do half the time." Jin replied. As the screams continued, they were slowly being distorted. A clone appeared in front of the barrier and slipped its hand through. "Bboki! The clon-" Jin yelled. "It's fine, he just asked for some of your you know what because he forgot to do it before hand." Bboki's clone said holding out his arm. "All of you transfer it by placing your hand on my arm." He watched all of them put their hands on his arm and commenced with the transfer. As the transfer was taking placing my hat flew off and my hair flared up indicating the transfer was working. They all looked at me and asked, "Is Bboki ok?" and the clone replied, "Yes, he's fine. What you're seeing is the transfer working. I know it's different beforehand but during the process, if he needs it, it has to happen at a certain time. And now is THAT time." The clone said as its eyes grew larger. "Ok that's enough." Bboki's voice echoed throughout the box.

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