Chapter 31

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I jolted awake and felt my heart beating faster.
Another nightmare.
Every night for those past few days, there was a new one that always had me waking up in the middle of the night. They was bearable, but still quite strange.

I glanced over to my side and saw Diluc, who was fast asleep.
It seemed like I would have to try and forget about what just went on in my mind.

I slowly lay back down and shut my eyes.

While I was trying to fall back asleep, I could not stop thinking about what he had asked me the night before.
Did I... actually want to become a vampire like him?

I couldn't think of many disadvantages to it... but of course, I had no idea what it was like. Only him and Kaeya did.

"Y/N... why are you awake so early?"

The voice made me jump.

"I... randomly woke up. What about you?"

Diluc chuckled under his breath.
"Me too. Are you alright?"
His fingers trailed over my cheek. He was obviously still tired, but was attempting to stay awake.

"I'm fine..."
I mumbled, before closing my eyes again.
I noticed he was about to fall asleep again, so... I decided not to ask him anything until morning came.

"Are you sure?"

I sighed.
"Do you... want me to become a vampire?"

His eyes widened.
"Oh... hm."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up so early-"

"Would you like... my honest answer?"
It surprised me, but I nodded.

"Yes, I do. I want to be with you forever. It will be easier... I can protect you with all of my strength, but it will also be reassuring to me to know that you'll always be safe."
Diluc started, while rubbing his eyes.
"But... at the same time, I know it is not my choice to make."

That was something I did not think I would hear.

"Really? I... didn't expect that."

He grinned at me.
"So... you were thinking I would say the opposite? I can assure you, that is not the case. At some point I would like to talk to you about what being a vampire is like, so you can decide on what you'd like to do. How does that sound?"

I nodded.
"Okay, let's do that. It's early, let's try and get back to sleep..."


Later on, we woke up. Sunlight poured through the window, and it was clearly daytime.
Diluc was already awake this time. He was laying with his hands on the back of his head.

"Oh? Good morning."
He turned his head, his eyes lighting up once we made eye contact.

"Morning, how did you sleep?"

He cleared his throat awkwardly - probably meaning 'not great'.

"I didn't get much sleep, but I am energized enough for the day. And you?"

"I slept well, thanks."

"That is good. It's nice to have a lie in once in a while."

I quietly yawned and pulled the duvet up.

"I need to go and feed soon, would you like to come with me?"

"Yeah, okay. I'm ready whenever you are."


Later on, we got to a camp as per usual.

"The trick is not to waste time. If you do, then they will have more time to attack." Diluc mentioned, before launching his own attacks on the defenseless treasure hoarders.

I say defenseless... but he missed one.

"What have you done? You're a monster!" He yelled at Diluc, before charging towards him.
Unfortunately, he didn't notice my presence, and ran straight into me. We fell on to the ground - he was fine, but I hit my head on a small but sturdy rock and blacked out.


My eyes opened slowly as I tried to make out my surroundings.

"You okay?"

Diluc helped me off of the floor and placed his hand on my head.
I nodded, but it felt like I had just been spinning.

"Another reason why I want you to turn... so you can defend yourself. Do you need me to get you anything? That certainly looked painful." He added.

"Is he dead?"
I looked around cautiously - Diluc smiled at me.

"Yes, no need to fret. We should head home."

An idea suddenly popped into my mind, and I decided to say it aloud while we started to walk home.
"I want you to turn me."

Diluc stopped in his tracks.
"Hm? But you are yet to know the ups and downs of it..."

I shrugged my shoulders - pretty casual for talking about something so serious.
"I can learn... you could even teach me? I'm just sick of people hurting me so easily... and it means I can be with you forever."

He looked hesitant.
"I don't know... I feel as if this isn't a decision to take lightly. What if you regret it?"

"I promise I will tell you if I change my mind. But I'm sure I want this, Diluc. It will be okay. You did it without much help, so can I... with you by my side."

He finally gave in and agreed.
"Okay. But if at any moment you change your mind, you must tell me, alright? I most definitely will not turn you if you decide against it. I'll... do it this evening, if that's good?"

It was actually going to happen.

I was going to become a vampire.

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