Chapter 13

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The day was calm, with a dark sky. It had been raining for a week straight, so the quidditch tryouts could not be held. But today, since it hadn't rained yet, the slytherin players were meeting up in the field.

Isabelle was invited by Blaise and Pansy to watch the excruciatingly long process of choosing the people that would play this year. She had been hesitant at first, having never been to a quidditch game, but then she saw that the Gryffindor team was playing before them and her hesitation left. There was no reason for this, except that she was hoping to run into her new friend, Ron.

Isabelle walked with Pansy and Blaise towards the field just as the Gryffindors were cleaning up. The watchers on the benches were clearing out, leaving space for the Slytherin supporters.

"Good day, Potter." Blaise said to Harry, who was putting the bludger in its place.

"Hello, Zabini." Harry nodded to the three of them. "Glad to see you're well, Lestrange."

Isabelle blushed, remembering that Harry and Hermione saw her having the panic attack. "Thank you for your concerns, Potter." Then, she turned to Ron. "Weasley, we can meet tomorrow at the courtyard, yes?"

"Sounds good to me, Isabelle." He responded. "Just tell me before so I can help you carry all of those heavy books. Your back has to be killing you."

"Oh,okay." Isabelle said, trying to hide the surprised expression on her face. "Meet me in front of the slytherin dorms at 1?"

"Sure, see you there." Ron assured and jogged to catch up with his friends, who were a few feet ahead of him. He had on a dirty quidditch uniform and a smirk that meant he did well in the tryout.

Pansy snickered, jumping Isabelle back to reality. "You and Ronald seem to be getting along well."

"Yeah, we are. He isn't as mean as he seems, I've noticed." Isabelle agreed, admitting that she and Ron have been creating a little companionship. "He has weird mood swings, but he's probably stressed."

"Mm." Pansy hummed, leaving the conversation at that. She whispered something to Blaise, earning a dry chuckle from him and a glance at Ron.

Isabelle knew what Pansy was thinking. "Don't think I like him, Pans. He was just surprisingly nice. Nothing more."

Pansy licked her lips. "We'll see about that." She teased. "By now I have predicted most of Hogwarts' couples."

"Yeah right." Isabelle laughed, not thinking the girl was serious, but she had no hint of a smile. "Please elaborate."

"I have been successful in determining most of the couples at school. Even if they only dated for a week." She explained, a smug look on her face. "For example, Harry and Cho, Fred and Angelina, Hermione and Viktor, Neville and Hannah, Ginny and Dean, and many more. My intuition is telling me that you and Ronald are destined to date."

Isabelle rolled her eyes. "Him being nice has nothing to do with his blood status, and while he is a pureblood, he is still a blood traitor."

Blaise snickered at her response. "Not the blood bullshit. You are just like your cousin. Don't tell me you care about blood status that much."

"Well, Blaise, my family cares very much about blood status, so I can't just disregard their rules." Isabelle said, suddenly getting serious. "I am not allowed to be friends with mudbloods."

"But he is a pureblood, hypothetically." Pansy insisted, a smirk on her face.

"He's ugly anyways." Isabelle huffed, closing the conversation.

She didn't really mean that, because she likes the contrast of his flaming red hair and his pale skin. She liked his sparkly eyes and pouty lips. Not that she really noticed it, or even cared about it.

"I don't like boys and he's not that ugly. You should've seen him in fourth year with long hair. Then you get to call him ugly." Pansy laughed, but it wasn't funny to Isabelle. She didn't have it in her to laugh about that. When Pansy noticed that she wasn't laughing, she got serious. "I'm only teasing you, Belle. You get so agitated when we talk about Ron, it's funny."

Isabelle smiled tightly. "I just don't want you to get the wrong idea."

Pansy shook her head. "I'm not getting the wrong idea. I was just joking with you. I'll stop if you want."

This made Isabelle really smile. "Thank you, Pans."

Blaise smacked his hands together very loudly, earning everyone's attention. He was standing in the middle of the field with all the quidditch players around him. "Let's start playing."

Pansy pointed to the stands where the fans were sitting. "Sit there, I have to play."

Isabelle didn't know that Pansy played quidditch, so she sat down to watch her do the sport. Honestly, she was enjoying her time. She didn't have any idea who Blaise was going to choose to be part of the team because they were all good. Pansy was amazing at being a beater. She moved gracefully through the field, like she owned it, and with the money her family had, it wouldn't surprise Isabelle.

The tryouts were tiresome, even for someone who wasn't even playing, but when they announced the ones who made the team, it was worth it. Of course Pansy made part of it. Not choosing her would have been stupid, and since Blaise was anything but stupid, he made her a beater. This made some of the boys fight, insisting that a girl shouldn't make the team, but with a simple hand motion from Blaise, they all stopped arguing.

"If you have a problem with Pansy being on the team, you can leave the field." Blaise spoke roughly, a contrats from the gentle voice he uses when he's with his friends. "Now, does anyone have anything to say?" Complete silence. "Ah, very smart players."

When he finished announcing the team, he waved Isabelle over. Pansy immediately started talking to her. "Did you see how good I was?"

"Yes!" Isabelle answered with enthusiasm and truth in her words. "You are going to do amazing on the team."

"I know!" Pansy celebrated her victory with a very big smile.

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