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Fighting with Levi was weird. I realized it was actually the first time him and I had fought together side by side -just the two of us.
While I'm using my maneuver gear by swinging back and forth from tree to tree (getting swiped or almost eaten by the 14 meter class titan here and there along the way), I make sure I keep a steady balance while distracting the titan. Levi -on the other hand- goes right for the weak spot and pierces a perfectly clean cut. The titan falls there and then while smoke condenses everywhere.

As I land on the ground I see Levi mouth the word,
I love the way he can fit his own sense of humor into life and death situations.
Levi lands, goes to get his extra cravat he uses just for cleaning, and wipes his blades and hands; and cleans away. I just sit there in awe thinking about...well, what he was thinking. Seriously, you can never tell.

I know he has a dark past full of sorrow. He was a fugitive on the run, but that's all I know. I feel I should know a little more about him. I thought about how much he knew about me...jeez I'm an open book.
It seemed like forever but the sun barely moved. Levi finishes his little cleaning 'routine' and asks,
"Oi Four Eyes, you want to head a few more miles down South and then set up camp in the trees?"
I blink out of daydreaming and say,"ulh, ye-ah sure." I could not get my words out right. Thinking about Levi always does that to me. He confuses me. I think of his impact on my life and realize that he's a pretty big part of it. This is a weird feeling... I think it's called awareness?
We jump on our horses and head off into the horizon.

Ummm... Get a clue Hanji! You love him!!! Hahahaha but that wouldn't be a story would it?
Them just confessing their undying love for each other XD
On the other hand though... If they were to just get married and have babies... That wouldn't be so bad.
I will try to post at least once every two days!!
Maybe even sooner than that.

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