Some delay

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Riding and more riding and once in a while a complaint about the smell in the air. But never a decent conversation. I knew that Levi was anti social and awkward so I wanted to help with that.
The hardest part was starting a conversation.
"Hey Levi?"
"Oi, what?"
I'm so used to his harshness so I just smile.
"My theory is that we need to move a little down South where there are plenty of trees and plants. By going down there we will probably find what I need for this concoction."
"And what are the things you need?"
"...That's the funny thing... I'm not entirely sure of what I need."
"Are you kidding me?"
"I can tell you this, I will know it when I see it."
"Wow I feel reassured."
"You should be."
That entire conversation contained no eye contact. He is such an awkward person, but I feel that's the way Levi shows his feelings for the few people he opens up to.
We come to a sudden stop.
I realized it had been to quiet for a while.
Levi says,"Get back, I'll deal with this.
He always seems to think he can do things alone. But when it comes to me doing things by myself, he doesn't allow it.

"No I want to help you. We should learn to work together. You need a new person to work with. Haven't you felt lonely?"
He knows what I'm talking about.
It looks like he's thinking.
"Alright, I'll go right you take left flank and distract him."

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