The After

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Yeah the concoction did not work.
Even so, Levi and I got to bond and get to know each other.

As we tried out the samples, we seriously spent an entire week trying out different scenarios. Nothing. Diddly squat.
We even got a few "I told you so" remarks.
We just scoffed and told them,
"Tsk, well my friend we do not see you going out on missions attempting the "impossible" as so you say. The impossible is actually quite possible, it is just impossible for impossible people to believe the impossible to be possible."
Levi and I even discussed that they are just to afraid to walk the tightrope we are already halfway across.
Plus, the mission was not entirely a failure because I learned that Levi may be a stubborn asshole. That is only because no one talks to him. People judge him by his stalky intimidating stare. He is so kind and even uses his pinky as a cushion when setting down his tea. I can see a delicate stare on his face. It may not even be intentional.

As I am finishing a book, I look out my window to see Levi looking up at the stars. He looks soulful. I decide to go and talk to him.

Levi looks back and nods his head at me as I am approaching him. I sit right next to him feeling his body warmth.
I start naming different constellations and Levi points to one.
"What's that one called?"
"Oh, that is just a star, nothing special, why?"
"Oh nothing..."
I think for a second and see the one he was talking about. The star was next to another just as big and bright. They both stood out even though they were not any specific constellations.
"They remind you of them, don't they?"
"Huh?" He says shocked.
I guess I do understand him.
Levi continues realizing I meant Isabel and Farlan,
"Yeah... they do. The first time I really got a good look at the night sky was with them two. After a lifetime cooped up underground, this was like a big deal to us. I could see the thrill and excitement in their eyes. Little things like that matter to me."
He then says this,
"Do you ever get lonely even though there are other people around you?"
He's looking straight into my eyes.
"...Uh, yes actually I do."
I answer back.
I feel something touch my hand. I see Levi fiddling with my pinky finger. I grab his hand and look into his eyes and smile. It wasn't like a romantic gesture. He just needed some affection. He never -if I think about it- has ever been able to do this with someone.
He has held back a lot of pain. He was squeezing my hand pretty tight.
We sit in silence for a really long time just hearing each other breathe.

I look up and notice one of the stars was in the white dwarf stage. I see it turning extremely bright. I look over to see if Levi is watching the supernova; and he's asleep.
The star continues to brighten, then BOOM!
It died out.
I guess every star has to come to an end at some point. Some earlier than others. So, savor every moment of your life.
Life is like a star, it is big, bright, and has a long future ahead, the only thing is, they have no idea when their life will end. Which means you have to live your life like that very day your life could come to an end.
Levi my friend, you are a star.

Whooooooo I finished it XD
Sorry of it took forever
I dunno what this looks like from a difference persons perspective so if it sucks \(•~•)/
Oh whale then
I am going to write my own story now of something it's a surprise
*dark laugh* *disappears into corner*
I love you mah 23 followers!
Stay crazy!
-yours truly
P.S: I'll try to be on more during the summer!

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