Pine Tree Green

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As we are riding our horses, the sun is slowly setting. I can see Levi looking around for a good tree to bunk in.
"How about that one," Levi asks while pointing to the right.
I see several tall pine trees in the direction he is pointing and nod my head.
We head off torwards a large group of pine trees. We hide our horses in our camouflaged cloaks we had made special for overnight missions -they usually work.
It was a good thing this tree had a lot of branches on the bottom, I have terrible upper body strength. As I am struggling, I see Levi (he's even carrying all the supplies) climbing almost two feet above me. He looks down and asks,
"Uh, Shitty uh want some help?"
Was he actually being kind? Not that he wasn't kind, but he always shows it indirectly.
"Um... Yeah sure." I say back trying not to show any sign of shock.
Levi climbs about fifteen more feet and sets down all the supplies. He looks down and shouts,
"Hey! Four Eyes get up here!"

Did he forget to help me? Did I make an expression that showed that I did not want help?
As told, I start to climb-taking forever. Why is Levi still looking down? Is he mocking me? Finally I'm almost there.
The next thing shocked me: he holds out his hand for me to grab. As our hands touch, I felt something strange. Our eyes meet for a split second and he looks away and lifts me up the the branch with all of our supplies.
"Tch, you're heavier than you look," Levi said as if to break the silence.
"Oh I think it's only because you've gotten shorter, shorty,"
I retorted back.
He then hangs a lantern on a branch and lights it. He puts most of the supplies on an upper branch except for two sleeping bags and two ropes. What we do is we tie the ropes around ourselves and the branch we are sleeping on so we don't fall off. We set up our sleeping quarters and lay in silence.
My feet and Levi's feet were almost touching as were laying on opposite sides of the branch. It was very quiet. I thought of all the things I could ask him...his past? No, he always changes the subject or says a flat out yes or no.
"Levi, you awake?"
It takes him about twenty seconds to answer back but he replies,
"What is your favorite color?"

At that very moment I think,
"Of all the damn things I could have asked?"
I cannot see or hear a reaction to what I have just said but he replies,
"Pine tree green."
He actually opened up- yeah it was just a question of what his favorite color was but he answered without default.
Then I thought I could ask a little bit more of a personal question.
"Levi, what's your story? What has happened to you in the past? I know you had basically no choice to join the Survey Corps, but what about before that?"

"I lived in the underground city everyday living on leftover food rations." He replied.
After that I could tell he did not want to talk anymore. I was actually satisfied with that answer. This comes to show he trusts me. Someday he may even tell me everything, despite all the trouble he has come to live with.
I shut my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

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