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Seeing Levi shocked me. Did he run the whole darn way? Even if he did how could he beat me? Must have found a short cut.
I tried to make eye contact with him at least so I could give him a thankful nod, but he was looking everywhere but me.
He pulls me up and I can see that he just got here too because all the stuff was all in a bag and the only thing out was a lantern for a source of light.
He hangs the lantern up on a branch above the two of us. I start to take out my sleeping bag and hand him one realizing I had taken most of the supplies since I hijacked the only horse we had.
We set up our beds without any spoken words or eye contact. I just look up at the sky and all the stars naming constellations in my head.
"Hey...uhh...Four Eyes?"
"Uh-huh?,"I stutter.
"I'm sorr-"
I cut him off saying,
"No, stop I need to say something."
"..." Levi doesn't really say anything.

"You, Levi Ackerman, are a complete Asshole. You walk around bossing all the cadets thinking you are the king. You are a complete CLEAN FREAK and you cannot take it when you are WRONG!-You, you push anyone away who cares about you." A single tear flows out of my eye and down my face. I sit up seeing Levi do the same.
I continue with a much softer voice,
"You stalk around with that dumb blank face so nobody really sees you. But I've always seen you. Yeah, you're cold and grouchy but you're mostly kind. You have this really crappy past you don't tell anyone, instead you just hold it all inside.
-I ummm I think I am done." I am crossing my arms waiting for some kind of reaction but all I get is,
"It's news to me that you can see anything out of those Shitty Glasses considering I always have to clean them for you."
He leans towards me and grabs my glasses.
More tears flow down my face.
"Jeez Four Eyes stop crying I can't stand to see you like this."
He gets out his extra cravat made just for cleaning and wipes my glasses with his usual blank face.

He looks straight into my eyes and for the first time he, he- is that a smile? Holy balls he looks cute when he smiles. All I could see was a little turn on his lips but that was good enough to make me smile.
He puts my glasses on for me and looks away. I turn his head back toward me and give him a hug. I could hear the shock in his breathing.
"Thank you Levi, you're a good friend."
"Ugh who said we were friends?"
"I did, so deal with it."
We just sit there in silence hearing each other breathe and I accidentally fall asleep.

I wake up to a sleeping Heichou on my back. Was he drooling...?" I can't help but laugh really loud. Levi wakes up and shouts, almost falling out of the tree. That was actually the first time I had heard him yell.
"Haha, I'll make us breakfast this time Shorty."
I found a bagget in a duffel bag we had and put some butter on top and mixed us some tea.
Amazing what you can do in a tree.
We chew our food in silence and I finish first.
I pack all of our things quickly and I can see that Levi does not approve of my messy packing skills -so he helps me.
We both climb down with Levi in front of me knowing that if I was in front it would take us a lot longer to get down.
We go to find our horse. To our relief it was still there.
He hops on and offers me a hand. I don't hesitate to take it.
It was pretty early, the sun was just rising.
We head off into the sunrise. I don't think either of us want to talk about last night.
At least I have another thing to think about: my experiment.
"Hey Levi, you still think this is going to work?"
It's silent for a second.
"Oi, it's not that I don't; it's just that this is like the third time you have attempted to do this."
"Eh well potato patato."
"That doesn't even fit in this situation."

Yay! Another chapter! I think there will be one more XD
Sorry I haven't been updating this.
It's school man!

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