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Jennie's POV

I woke up from my sleep with a smile on my face. You know why? Because today is SUNDAY!! I get to sleep till 10 am today. And guess what? No homework for me to do. I did all of it yesterday evening so that I can get time for myself today. And seems like I was right. I grabbed my phone and open my Instagram. After checking my inbox and all, I opened our school forum but as usual it was filled with those 4 handsome boys. It has been 2 months since we saw that dramatic entrance of Kim Taehyung, although their all entries at any place gets dramatic but that was iconic .I still remember what happen after that.


"KIM FREAKING TAEHYUNG!!! HOW DARE YOU TO STEP HERE AFTER WHAT YOU DID!!" a loud voice break the girls cheers which belongs to Seokjin. He was fuming in anger with his cheeks slowly turning red. " Hyung I already said sorry. What do you want me to do now?" replied the black haired boy at the entrance slowly walking towards them. The usual spot where they used to sit was a little bit far from where we usually sit."Hyung calm down. He surely will buy you a new one. Right tae?" Jimin said to Jin while eyeing Taehyung. Taehyung immediately nodded his head and said"You know hyung. Phones still exist. I will buy you a new one after school." I was confused as hell. What did Taehyung did that made Jin that angry? Did he..

"No. Phone's front camera isn't trust worthy enough. I want to see my natural beauty bastard. I want it right now. I can't live without seeing my handsome face every hour. How will I survive till the end of school, hm? It's all his fault. If he hadn't tripped over that fucking bench, my precious mirror would've been in my hands now!" said Jin with his hands making gestures in air. All the students at the cafeteria silenced. After a whole damn minute, everyone roared in laughter causing Jin to came back to reality. He slowly sat down and put hands on his face after his sudden yet embarassing outbreak.
" It's ok Jin. It's good to love yourself", I said loud enough so that only my group listened as they all laughed their asses off.
But suddenly Taehyung looked at me causing me to stop laughing the moment we made eye contact. Oh no don't tell me he heard that. I scolded myself internally for saying that loud. He hasn't reached his table yet as he was somehow a little close to our table. It looked like he'll kill me for making fun of his friend. But I clearly wasn't. I just... supported him?
Lisa slightly nudged me . I looked at the girls who looked confused too. I glanced at Taehyung again only to see him staring at ground with a slight... smile!! Wait WHAT! Did he just smiled? As far as I know Taehyung is known for his ego and don't like being surrounded with unknown girls. He rarely smiles in public. Just then he looked up at me again with a slight smile tugging at his lips. His smile.... It is beautiful. Even though it was a faint smile but still it looked beautiful on his face. He turned back toward his friends and started walking away. But I was still staring at his back with confusion written all over my face.

I sighed remembering that day. I am still confused but choose to ignore as thinking about it was of no use. I watched some of their videos and then closed that forum. I got up from my bed and went to bathroom for freshing up. After 1 hour I ate my breakfast. My parents weren't at home today 'cuz they have to attend their meeting with a client. I still don't know their actual business but anyway. I came back to my room, picked up my painting tools and started painting. Well my mother forced me to learn it and now I quite enjoy it. I was painting a flower pot full of pale blue and lilac colour flowers. Did I mention that I love blue colour. Hell yeah ! It's my one of the favourite colours.

After finishing it, I smiled in satisfaction and video called Lisa and Chae. They both weren't picking up which was unusual. Where were they ? Just when I was going to call again, my room's door abruptly opened showing Lisa and Chaeyoung with wide smile on their faces. Oh no !!!! Here goes my sunday. "Unnie! We missed you." They hugged me tightly while giggling which was quite odd. They pulled themselves away but with a mischievous smile on their faces.
"Okay... What?" I said while crossing my arms over my chest. Lisa chuckled while glancing at Chae. I sighed and asked again" What are you hiding from me? You can tell me. After all I can't do more than smacking these empty head of yours." They giggled before answering" You will be surprised Unnie!"
What? I was about to ask what does that mean when suddenly someone started humming a song. I gasped when realisation hit me. With a big smile I ran downstairs while calling that someone's name.


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